Discover the Luggage Designer’s Ultimate Economy Flight Travel Pet Peeve!


Why This Luggage Designer Hates When Passengers Do This on Flights

A luggage designer has revealed her biggest “pet peeve” while travelling on economy flights. Shay Mitchel, founder of luggage brand Béis, has travelled around the globe but still gets irritated by this passenger trait.

The Annoying Behavior on Flights

She doesn’t understand why passengers stand up as soon as the plane lands. The experienced traveller has witnessed this behavior at every destination she’s been to. Unless you are “connecting to your next flight” there should be no reason for standing, according to Shay. “The door hasn’t even opened yet,” she added.

Collecting Baggage Later

Shay explained how passengers who have to collect a bag will end up waiting in baggage reclaim regardless. “It drives me nuts,” she mentioned, as she is always the last one left on the plane. She said: “If I have a checked bag—and I always do—I’m going to have to wait for it anyway.”

Rushing to Deboard

Unlike Shay, most travelers race to the front of the plane only to stand an extra 15 minutes while the crew prepares for deboarding. “It drives me nuts,” she added. The successful luggage designer isn’t the only one who has urged travelers to remain seated when the plane lands.

Travel Expert’s Advice

A travel expert warned jet-setters to be more aware of their surroundings and to beware of standing up unnecessarily. “This is something that continues to baffle me,” the expert wrote in the Boston Globe. As if standing will get the ground crew to move the bridge to the plane faster.

Online Debate Sparked

However, this passenger sparked an online debate after sharing a video of themselves sitting in a plane seat post-landing. In her TikTok video, Batsheva Haart, who starred in the reality series My Unorthodox Life, bragged about how patient she was. The video has been seen more than 2 million times, with some people not impressed with her willingness to remain seated.

Differing Opinions

Some argued for standing to stretch their backs, claiming it has nothing to do with getting off sooner and hurts no one. Others expressed the desire to leave the plane quickly to avoid waiting at immigration, showcasing different perspectives on the matter.

Final Thoughts

As different opinions clash, it’s evident that the simple act of standing after a flight can evoke strong emotions and varied responses. While some prefer to stay seated, others find solace in stretching their legs. Ultimately, the choice lies with the individual traveler, as long as common courtesy and respect for others are maintained.


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