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“Banana Skins: The Secret to Ageing Backwards? This TikTok Beauty’s Anti-Ageing Hack is So Cheap!”

Nadine’s anti-ageing method is so cheap

Credit: tiktok/@thenaturalnadine

Nadine’s Anti-Ageing Method: A Genius TikTok Skincare Hack

One woman may have the answer.

Nadine, shared a genius anti-ageing hack to her TikTok account @thenaturalnadine.

The beauty whizz often uses the account to share skin and healthcare tips and tricks to her followers.

Nadine’s videos are extremely popular with social media users and she has racked up an impressive 123,000 followers on TikTok.

The Power of Banana Skins: Nadine’s Skincare Revelation

In her latest video, Nadine shared how she used an extremely cheap item to improve her skin: banana skins.

The caption to her video reads: “Banana skins work.

They hydrate, tighten and reduce inflammation.”

The Science Behind It: Nadine’s Explanation

In the video, 37-year-old Nadine, who claims that she has “aged backwards” in the last few years due to her natural skincare routine can be seen rubbing a banana skin on to her face.

In a previous video, Nadine explained that the potassium in bananas hydrates your skin “from the inside out”.

She added that the Vitamin B contained in banana skins is anti-ageing and the Vitamin E “protects your skin’s protective layer”.

The skincare whizz added that the skins help to reduce redness and inflammation and tighten pores.

After rubbing the banana skin on to your face, Nadine advised leaving it on for 10 minutes before washing it off.

Banana Skins: A Budget-Friendly, Health-Conscious Choice

Bananas are super cheap, and can be purchased from Tesco for as little as 18p (and you get Clubcard points too).

What’s more, eating bananas is so healthy as they are packed with vitamins that help to boost your immune system, so for your 18p, you’re really getting a two-for-one deal.

Nadine explained that she has chosen not to get botox or filler because she does not want to put toxins into her body, after she was previously exposed to black mold.

The Response: TikTok Users’ Reactions to Nadine’s Skincare Hack

Her video has clearly impressed many TikTok users, as it has amassed almost 100,000 views in just one day.

Tiktok users raced to the video’s comments section to share their thoughts on Nadine’s hack.

One user said: “Not me about to go tell my husband we need bananas”.

Another user said: “I did this for burns on my arm after the blister popped.

“I got burned from cooking fried chicken.

“There is hardly any sign I had second-degree burns.”

Final Thoughts and Verdict

There are no scientific studies to prove that banana skins help to reduce wrinkles, and the only evidence of it working are anecdotal claims from TikTok users.

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