Danny Masterson, Scientology Accuser, Hyperventilates When Defining the Ongoing “Terror Campaign” by Scientology


Jane Doe 3, Danny Masterson’s long-term girlfriend, testified in multiple days of silence and broken voices that Jane Doe 3 was his girlfriend. “That 70s Show”Actor often “demanded” sex from her – and would sometimes take it without her consent – became passionate and emphatic on the stand Thursday when the topic of alleged “stalking and harassment”The Church of Scientology was founded.

The witness is also known by “CB” in court, along with the other two women testifying in Masterson’s criminal rape case, had filed a separate civil action against Scientology to stop what she says is constant badgering from the church, to which she no longer belongs.

Reinhold Mueller, Deputy District attorney, inquired about the civil lawsuit filed in 2019. “you’re not asking for money. Was that (filing) related to the stalking and harassment you were experiencing?”

CB’s voice suddenly rose, and she spoke passionately, saying:

“It’s related to the terror campaign that this criminal organization has put upon me daily. It didn’t matter how many police reports or FBI reports [there were], they continue doing it to this day.”

After speaking, she began to breath heavily, as if she were about to suffer another anxiety attack. She eventually calmed down.

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Mueller spoke to Mueller about her previous testimony in which she claimed that Masterson had been her lover despite the alleged attacks in November and December 2001. When asked why this was so, she replied, “I was 18 years old when I met him. We lived together for six years. I would always repeat over and over – he saved my life. He got me into Scientology. I believed it was true. Things are less painful if you believe something like that.”

But she also said Masterson didn’t respect personal boundaries when it came to sex.

“There would be no asking, no loving,”She said. “A lot of times, it would happen where I would be asleep and I would wake up to him having sex with me. That was normal. It was the only thing I knew. Just how it was.”

Defense Attorney Phillip Cohen had a chance to cross-examine CB, asking her about several aspects of her prior testimony, including his assertion that all three Jane Does who have accused Masterson spoke to each other – after expressly being told not to. CB denied that Cohen said Cohen had implied that they all worked together to ensure their stories were similar.

Cohen was interviewing CB over several minutes about whether she, after speaking to a different detective spoke with her, then contacted the Los Angles District Attorney in an effort to amend her police report.

CB stated, “Oh my gosh, I feel dizzy.”

Cohen was quick to back off: “I have no further questions,”He stated.

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After a sidebar was requested by the judge, the jury was sent out to discipline two men who were talking about the witness and point at them. The judge warned the public that everyone should have a sidebar. “poker face”They may be brought in front the jury or they could be expelled.

With that, CB’s testimony concluded.

Thursday’s testimony wrapped with Officer Alexander Schlegel, who took Jane Doe 1 (JB’s) report in 2004 following her November 2003 alleged assault at Masterson’s house.

Schlegel corroborated JB’s testimony about her reporting a sexual assault, the time of the alleged assault, the names of witnesses – including Julian Swartz, whom Schlegel referred to as “The minister of the Church of Scientology” – and the order of events.

A sticking point in JB’s testimony has been whether Masterson had a gun, and whether he pulled it from his nightstand and pointed it at her during the attack. In Thursday’s testimony, CB stated that Masterson did in fact own a registered firearm.

JB had testified that she had attempted to grab the gun from Masterson’s nightstand during the assault and he had slammed her hand in the drawer. She also testified that she was told by the Church she was not allowed to report that Masterson owned a gun because it wasn’t true, but that she did tell Shlegel about it, that Schelgel looked something up in the computer and he said, “They lied.”

Schlegel however testified that he didn’t recall her ever mentioning a gun but did confirm that Masterson had placed a pillow on her forehead. “she said she couldn’t breathe and thought she was going to die … She was trying to find something to hit him with on the [night]stand.”

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Mueller direct question “Did she ever mention the gun?” Schlegel said he didn’t recall checking to see if Masterson owned a registered gun but he also said that doesn’t mean he didn’t. Schlegel’s testimony resumes Friday morning.

Masterson faces criminal charges from three women who claimed they met Masterson “That 70s Show” star through the Church of Scientology and were assaulted in the early 2000s. Masterson could be sentenced to 45 years to life imprisonment if convicted. This is in addition to a trial that could take up to one month.

Masterson has denied any wrongdoing. Lawyers for Masterson, a prominent Scientologist, had sought to exclude the Church of Scientology and its influence from his trial – but it has loomed large in almost every day.

The church has strongly denied any involvement in the matter.


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