Dallas Doctor Arrested for Using IV Bags to Harm Patients


Texas doctor is accused in the intentional tampering of IV bags. The incident resulted in injuries to several patients and the death one.

Prosecutors are calling Raynaldo Rivera Ortiz Jr. a “medical terrorist” after they say he contaminated the IV bags with pain medication that induced heart attacks at a surgical facility in Dallas.

Jack, an 18-year old boy, is one of the victims. His family believes he was in minor surgery for an injury to his nose that was sports-related when his blood pressure rose and his heart rate increased.

Jack’s grandfather, cardiologist Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter, says he was appalled to learn the accused is a fellow doctor.

“Horrified that a doctor would do this and a doctor who had the knowledge that what he was doing could cause catastrophic reactions,” Wohlgelernter said.

Authorities believe that Melanie Kasper, 55, was also killed by a contaminated IV bag. She was an anesthesiologist in the facility, and she knew Ortiz who is also an anesthesiologist.

While no motive was disclosed, prosecutors believe Ortiz was upset that his medical licence had been temporarily suspended as a result of disciplinary actions.

According to reports, he may have affected as many as 11 patients by his alleged tampering.

“He’s a monster. He’s a psychopath. He’s a murderer,” Wohlgelernter said.

The hospital claims that they stopped all operations as soon as they realized the IV bag was potentially compromised. Ortiz’s attorney says he will plead not guilty.


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