Coffee Shop Mother with Baby Is Furious That Staff Won’t Quit Grinding Coffee Beans to Allow Her Child To Sleep


The “Am I an A-hole?” post asks, “Ma’am, do you know where you are?” The “Do you know where are you?” question is posed in this post. Are you familiar with what goes on in coffee shops?

Robin Zlotnick - Author
New Mom "Snaps" at Barista After Coffee Machine Woke Up Her Baby, Gets Roasted Online
Source: iStock Photo / Reddit

The manager of a cafe received a note from a mother who was upset that the machine had woken up her infant.

New Mom "Snaps" at Barista After Coffee Machine Woke Up Her Baby, Gets Roasted Online
Source: iStock Photo / Reddit

The “AITA?Because they are so absurd, “posts” have me checking behind my back to see if someone is pranking me. Here’s one. OP explains she took her daughter, 9 months old, to a local coffeeshop in the afternoon.

The second she walked into the store, writes this woman, “I was shocked by their loud coffee grinder. This grinder did not stop in just a couple of seconds, as the third barista kept grinding coffee at once.

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The OP explains she was in a coffee shop nearby and heard how loudly it was.

cofee shop baby
Source: iStock Photo

You may ask yourself, “Madam, where are you?” Do you know that the coffee is ground at coffee shops? “Did you forget in the last couple of months that you had to grind your coffee yourself at home?”

As is common in coffee shops, a barista ground a large bag of beans.

coffee shop baby
Source: iStock Photo

The woman continues to say that her daughter was woken up by the coffee machine and would not stop screaming. After five minutes, she wrote, “I asked the barista to stop grinding coffee as the noise was disturbing my child. She agreed and turned off the machine.”

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Barista stopped grinding the coffee after the mom requested it.

coffee shop baby
Source: iStock Photo

Could you please stop working and make sure that you can provide the product to other customers right away? “My baby needs some peace and quiet.” She basically said that.

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But they could not keep it off for ever.

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They couldn’t have kept the machine off for ever, so they switched it back on just as her child was starting to doze, which caused her to awaken again. She writes: “At this stage, I snap at her for turning it back on while I was still there, as she can see clearly that she’s caused my daughter yet another cry.” “The barista claims she was working on something more urgent but she could not wait until I was gone.”

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The barista was allegedly “snapped at” by the OP after she turned on the grinder again.

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In this case, I’d suggest to the lady who wrote the article that she take a pause and think through the words coming from her mouth. There are other people on the planet besides yourself. Consider it. Other customers could have needed drinks. There were also cleaning tasks or other preparations to be done.

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The story doesn’t finish there…

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You, OP are complaining about the coffee being made in a cafe. This is not, um…OK…at ALL! OP doesn’t care about self-reflection. She is all about the corporate complaint.

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OP wrote a complaint to the management.

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After she arrived home, she sent an email to the manager explaining the situation. She was given a gift card and an apology by the manager, likely as a way to make her feel better. The manager apologized and gave her a free gift card, likely to appease her.

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It is obvious that the mother-to-be got roast.


She didn’t believe him so, she told the story again, but this time to Reddit to hear what people had to say. They ripped it apart! Someone wrote, “The Manager doesn’t agree,” He gave you a good-service speech, and also a gift certificate so you wouldn’t hurt his business by ——-. It isn’t the responsibility of others to be quiet if your child is asleep. It’s your responsibility to take your child someplace appropriate for sleeping — which is not in the middle of a retail business.”

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Former barista writes: “This is driving me nuts.”


Another person wrote, “The Barista was just doing her job.” “It doesn’t matter if it was urgent or not — it is her job. Do not leave the house if you do not want your baby to be exposed to noise. You overreacted massively.”

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Another called the new mother “Karen”.


You know, I get it. Being out and about with a child is hard. You can’t tell businesses that they have to cease doing business because your child is woken up. The world does not revolve around you.


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