Clerks III’s Kevin Smith Reveals How The Original Version Of The Movie Went Down


Clerks III’s Kevin Smith Reveals How The Original Version Of The Movie Went Down

When Clerks IIIIt will hit theaters next month. The story of The new ClerksRandal, one the main characters in the films, has been rehabilitated from a heart attack and will now be the focus.Just like Kevin Smith didn’t so long ago. While Smith’s family doesn’t love him using his heart attack for artistic inspirationThe director seems happier with this plan. Clerks IIIThat’s where he began with the project.

Smith’s plans to make a third ClerksMove pre-dates his brushing with deathSo the original plan was rewritten. Clerks IIIAlthough it was quite different, it did draw inspiration from real life events. Original Clerks IIIwas to be a direct sequel. Jay and Silent Bob RebootIt would begin with the opening events of the film, in which everyone at Quick Stop is arrested. Kevin Smith shares his story THRWhile in prison, however, a real-life tragedy would occur, which would have a significant impact on one our heroes. Smith explains…

It was opened the night after Hurricane Sandy. Randal and Dante were held in jail for the original Clerks III opening. This was where Jay and Silent Bob are busted by the police. All of them were arrested and there’s an interrogation scene and somebody comes in and says, ‘We gotta get ‘em out and put them in cells because it’s coming.’ And [the guys]They are similar to, ‘What’s coming?’ ‘They’re calling it Sandy.’ They were locked in a cell all night long and they get out in the morning to find that the Quick Stop was destroyed by a flood.

Randal would still have been the de facto main protagonist of Clerks IIIHe would have suffered a nervous breakdown if the Quick Stop had been destroyed. Randal couldn’t deal with it all and decided to get in line to watch a movie. The catch was that the movie he wanted to see wasn’t set to open for a year, so in a seeming nod to Star Wars Episode I – The Phantom MenaceRandal would rather wait than stand in long lines for tickets.

He would not be content with his wait. Randal would be noticed by others waiting in line to see the movie. Ranger DangerYou decide to go with him. Soon, many more people join this group of people who are willing to wait a year for a movie. Smith continues…

The parking lot of the movie theatre is where a village springs up. Randal, who builds Quick Stop as a lean to version of Quick Stop like a Bodega-shanty version and is elected the official mayor of this community. It was about grief.

Smith acknowledges that Smith was inspired by this idea. Clerks III was a far leap from the previous films, and he’s honestly quite glad that it was never made. Though a movie about grief is maybe not that far off the mark from where Smith’s thoughts currently are, as he also You are welcome Jay and Silent Bob RebootMake people cry. It feels, in its own way, like Clerks IIIIt will be an emotional movie.More than we expected.

Instead of hurricanes or nervous breakdowns and the end for the Quick Stop Clerks IIIIt will come to an end in its own way from the beginning.,At the same Quick Stop. Randal, having survived his heart attack and come to the realization that his life has been mostly meaningless, will decide to make a movie, the same movie we know Kevin Smith’s Clerks.


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