Chuck Schumer says Dems held the Senate, because voters ‘always cared about abortion’


The “Morning Joe”studio Monday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer told voters “always cared about abortion” after reproductive rights proved to be an important issue among midterm voters and contributed to the Democrats’ Senate majority win.

Joe Scarborough opened the segment by discussing how Americans seem to have lost interest in abortion. Late fall polls showed that it was becoming less important. Instead, the economy and looming recession seemed to be at the top of voters’ minds.

Abortion rights were a major factor in the election’s outcome. Exit polls found that 27% cited abortion as their number one issue, ranking just behind inflation (31%).

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Schumer claimed that all candidates running successful midterm campaigns spoke out about abortion. “till the very end.”

“Abortion had always stayed as a very important issue with large numbers of people,”Schumer retorted “Morning Joe.” “It stayed in the hearts of people.”

Abortion rights also prevailed in all five states with abortion access on the ballot, including California, Kentucky, Michigan, Montana and Vermont.

Schumer continued to explain that the issue of abortion was a serious one “symbolized how extreme the other party had become,”This refers to how Republicans were perceived as being too radical in their views on abortion.

The party’s extremeness had “ramifications even beyond the abortion issue,”He stated.

As Democrats continue to fight for control over the House, Schumer went on to explain that the Democrats’ surprising Senate win is because they talked about all sorts of things that “mattered to everyday Americans,”It’s not only about abortion rights.

“We talked about things that people cared about: reducing the cost of prescription drugs, finally dealing with climate, student debt. Young people voted more heavily than people thought because of those issues.”

You can watch the entire segment. HereOr, you can embed the embed below.

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