China pledges to ‘fight to the death’Fears of WW3 are fueled by mass tanks and tanks on beaches in support of Taiwan’s invasion style D-Day.


CHINA has pledged to “fight to the death”in the midst of fears that war could break out as tensions boil over Taiwan, warships and tanks were deployed.

Beijing is angry and threatens to act as it accuses America of provoking them about the breakaway island. This is an issue that the Communist Party long claimed belonged to China.

Chinese tanks seen in footage shared on social media massing on beaches near Kinmen


Chinese tanks can be seen in footage posted on social media massing at beaches near Kinmen
Further footage shows tanks on beaches in mainland China


Additional footage shows tanks at beaches on mainland China

At least two Chinese warships can be seen lurking offshore the island. Chinese warplanes also have flown close to the Taiwan Strait dividing point.

A chilling video shows an amphibious tank column massing on beaches just miles away from Kinmen, the nearest point between China and Taiwan.

China may also be preparing one of its aircraft carriers in order to match US deployments to the region. The USS Ronald Reagan is currently operating near Taiwan, and her strike force is nearby.

Xi Jinping, the Chinese leader, has vowed that he will retake the island. The US offers strong but not official support.

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Despite recent indications from Joe Biden, it has been unclear whether Washington would act militarily if China attacks Taiwan.

The resolve of both sides is being tested with the expected visit by Nancy Pelosi, a US speaker and China critic.

After Vice President Kamala Hariri and President Biden, she is the second in-line for the presidency.

She will also be the most senior US politician to visit this island if she is allowed to go. This will upset China.

Even the possibility of China’s visit has caused a crisis, which could lead to a war. China is warning that their military will be under attack. “not sit idle”Both threatening and helpful “serious consequences”.

China regards any engagement between Washington, Taipei, as an endorsement of the island’s independence by the United States.

“The US side will bear the responsibility and pay the price for undermining China’s sovereign security interests,”Hua Chunying, foreign ministry spokeswoman, said during a Beijing press conference.

Both Taiwan and China held war games days before Pelosi’s possible visit.

The plane appears to have taken off from Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and is likely headed for Taiwan.

The world is waiting with baited breath to see if she lands at Taipei in four hours.

US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is set to visit Taiwan


Nancy Pelosi, US Speaker of House is going to TaiwanCredit: ap

Yesterday’s Chinese propaganda featured their army as soldiers in clips that vowed to fight till the death.

“We are fully prepared for any eventuality. Fight upon order, bury every intruder, and move toward joint and successful operations,”According to The Global Times, the troops claimed that they were being attacked by terrorists

“We are PLA soldiers, we swear to defend the motherland to the death.”

The Communist Party’s unfiltered mouthpiece is often the newspaper, which has more than two million readers.

“Based on what I know, in response to Pelosi’s possible visit to Taiwan, Beijing has formulated a series of countermeasures, including military actions,”Hu Xijin, the paper’s editor, said so.

He warned: “Let [Pelosi] go to Taiwan. But pray before departure: wish herself a safe journey and wish herself not be defined by history as a sinner who starts a spiral of escalation process expanding military frictions to a large-scale war in the Taiwan Strait.”

Also, the paper quoted a “Chinese military aviation expert”Pelosi could be hit with warning shots by Beijing’s fighter aircrafts as it approaches Taiwan, according to those who warned.

Fu Qianshao siad : “If Pelosi’s aircraft enters our exercise zone, we would need to take steps to eject and intercept, escort and issue a radio warning.

“If Pelosi gets her way, our warplanes may fire shells diagonally ahead of Pelosi’s plane as a further warning.”

It quotes “Taiwan Strait expert”Chiu Yi, who claimed that Pelosi was “hiding like a rat”- Claiming that the politician would most likely enter Taiwan from Taiwan’s east to avoid the Chinese military in the west.

US aircraft USS Ronald Reagan has been deployed to the South China Sea


US aircraft USS Ronald Reagan was deployed to South China SeaCredit: reuters
The warship was sent to the Taiwan Strait amid escalating tensions with China


The Taiwan Strait warship was sent by China amid increasing tensionsCredit: Reuters

US officials have expressed concerns about Pelosi’s safety during the visit. However, this has not been explicitly endorsed by either the White House nor President Biden.

On Thursday, President Xi Jinping called Biden to warn him about the dangers of his phone call. “Those who play with fire will perish by it.”

This makes China’s public admissions of the actions they plan to take. “strong measures”Even more concerning is the House Speaker.

China’s PLA Eastern Theater Command released a dramatic video showcasing their military abilities in what appears to be another warning.

The caption to the disturbing clip said: “Stand ready and fight, bury any enemy that comes.”

And the country has reportedly sounded their chilling “war signal” in official circles – which was issued before their last two major conflicts.

The phrase ” “Don’t say we didn’t warn you”During the rising tensions, he has been often referred to.

Analysts said Washington’s response to the plans and China’s feverish reaction meant it was hard to de-escalate the situation without either country appearing weak.

Pelosi – an outspoken supporter of Taiwan – was originally scheduled to travel to Taipei in April but pulled out at the last minute after testing positive for Covid.

Taiwan is feared to be a major flashpoint between the Washington and Beijing – with a potentially invasion potentially forcing the US to either abandon the island or face full scale war with China.

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Taiwan insists that its independence was achieved after it split from mainland China in 1949.

Beijing insists that Taiwan is theirs by right and has pledged to reclaim Taiwan by 2050.


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