Buster Murdaugh Rejects Rumors Of Gay Relationship Between Homicide Victim And Buster Murdaugh


Buster Murdaugh Denied ever having had a sexual relation with a homosexual classmate, whose corpse was found near the family property of his South Carolina.

Stehen Smith, who was 19 and gay at the time of his death eight years earlier on a rural road close to the Murdaugh Estate was only 19.

According to his family, he had told some friends that he was dating a family member at the time. This led to speculations about a romantic relationship between him and Buster.

These rumors took on new significance earlier this year, when Smith’s corpse was exhumed. His death was declared to be homicide. This triggered a police probe that is still ongoing.

“I am certain that my son died from a beating.” Sandy Smith said: “I’m sure that someone has the answer to who and why did it.” Telling earlier in the year. “And I pray they’ll find it in themselves to step forward.”

Buster denied previously having any involvement in Smith’s death and now denies that he was with Smith as a paramour during an interview to be conducted by Martha McCallum on Fox Nation.

Buster stated that he had nothing to do in his murder, and he had no physical contact with him. The preview of the interview was released before the premiere of the film “The Fall of the House of Murdaugh” on Thursday.

Buster, too, stood up for his father during the interview and said that he was convinced. Alex Murdaugh It is not clear who the killer was.

Prosecutors alleged at his trial earlier this year that Alex Murdaugh’s motives for murdering his wife and son were financial, claiming he had been defrauding clients out of millions of dollars, embezzling funds from the family firm, and facing a potentially pricey lawsuit in the wake of a fatal boat crash involving son Paul.

In court documents obtained by Digital, prosecutors described Alex as “an allegedly crooked lawyer and drug user who borrowed and stole wherever he could to stay afloat and one step ahead of detection.”

On the day the murders took place, the prosecution claimed that Alex had to answer for money missing from the family business.

He was asked at the same time to provide a detailed account of his financial affairs in connection with a lawsuit filed against his son Paul who, according to the suit, had drunkenly crashed a boat, killing a woman.

Paul was also facing three felonies, including Boating Under the Influence and Boating Under the Influence Causing Death. Prior to his death, he had pleaded not guilty to the three charges relating to this fatal accident.

Alex claims that he was visiting his mother when the murders took place and returned later to discover the bodies of both his wife and his son.

Buster claimed to have been at home with his mother and younger brother on the night Smith died.


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