In the future, Brits could get more cash handouts, hints Liz Truss ally.


TOP Liz Truss’s ally suggested that future assistance might be available for the poor Brits, even though the leader has ruled them out.

Brandon Lewis declined to confirm that Ms Truss would no longer spend money on helping families pay their rocketing bills this morning.

Brandon Lewis wouldn't rule out further handouts to help with gas bills under a Liz Truss government


Brandon Lewis doesn’t rule out any further assistance to pay gas bills under Liz Truss governmentsCredit: PA

The former minister told BBC Radio 4: “She’s not ruling out doing more to help people.

“Her focus is around doing it in a way that puts more money in people’s pockets, creates a high-growth economy with high wages and higher numbers of people in work.”

Ms Truss shared the following: Financial TimesShe would explore what could be done to assist struggling Brits with their cost-of living crisis.

The frontrunner insisted that help would be provided by reducing taxes, not boosting benefits.

She stated: “The way I would do things is in a Conservative way of lowering the tax burden, not giving out handouts.”

Rival Rishi Sunak reacted to the plan and branded it “starry-eyed boosterism”.

He believed that working families should be supported. “tax cuts simply won’t touch the sides”.

Liz Truss’s pledge to bring forward tax cuts slammed by Rishi Sunak
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Radio 4: Oliver Dowden, an ally, said that he was defending the ex-Chancellor. “I do think we need to have some direct support and we need some clarity on that from the other side.”

There are still four weeks before the Tory leadership race finishes, so debate is focusing on how to save Britain from spiralling inflation.

Analysts predict average energy bills will hit £3,358 per year from October, a £1,387 rise on the yearly cost from April.

Last week, the Bank of England warned that Britain was on track to enter a recession in winter. This would last for around 15 months.

Ms Truss pledged an emergency Budget in September to scrap the 1.25 per cent National Insurance rise.

She plans to suspend the green levy on energy bills and called for major reforms.

Mr Sunak argued scrapping the health and social care levy would only save someone on the Living Wage £59 a year, and a median earner £170.

The ex-Chancellor did not rule out additional assistance to families during the crisis.


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