Brits face fine of up to £6,400 for not wearing face mask in shops or on public transport from TOMORROW


BRITS who fail to wear a mask in shops and on public transport could face a maximum fine of £6,400 from TOMORROW.

Fines of £200 will be handed out to people in England who do not wear a face mask under new government rules as they try to crack down on the “worst ever”Covid variant.

Brits who don't wear masks on public transport or shops will be fined £200


Brits who don’t wear masks on public transport or shops will be fined £200Credit to Alamy
Sajid Javid said mandatory face masks are due to return from Tuesday


Sajid Javid announced that mandatory facemasks are due back starting Tuesday

Yesterday, Sajid Javid, Health Secretary, confirmed that mandatory masks will be reinstated in England starting Tuesday to combat the Omicron super-strain.

For each offense, a double fine will be assessed to those who continue to break the rules.

A second infraction will see it jump to £400, then £800 for a third with the maximum fine being capped at £6,400.

The new restrictions will be up for vote by MPs within 28 days of legislation being presented to the Commons today. The rules go into effect on Tuesday at 4am.

Different rules apply in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. In certain situations, masks may be required.

Masks will not be required within the hospitality sector, meaning they are not needed in restaurants and pubs and will not be required by law in venues such as concerts, cinemas and theatres.

Parlament cannot force MPs to wear masks in the Commons.

Boris Johnson directed the return of masks to infected people and the isolation of contacts for 10 days.

On July 19, face masks in shops and public transport were no longer a requirement in England.

Andrew Marr from the BBC interviewed Mr Javid about the new sanctions that will be applied to those who refuse wear masks.

The BBC host demanded: “Are you insisting as a government that everybody going into a shop wears a mask? And are you going to take sanctions on people who refuse to?”

Mr Javid replied: “Yes, it will be a legal requirement by government regulations to wear masks in shops and public transport.”

While masks are still required on London’s Tube system (London Underground), Transport for London figures show that only 108 of the millions who use the underground network in the capital were removed for not wearing them.

A new set of restrictions on travel has been implemented by the UK. Anyone arriving in the UK must undergo two PCR tests, and must self-isolate while they wait for the results. 10 countries are added to the red list.

Javid insisted that Britain was “nowhere near”Full lockdown and Christmas will take place “great”The new measures will be reviewed within three weeks.

Mr Javid spoke earlier to Sky’s Trevor Phillips, on Sunday. “we will never defeat”Covid was the Government’s latest crackdown on the virus.

The government will make it a law requirement that you wear a mask in shops and public transport.

Sajid Javid

He asked the JCVI Government vaccine advisors to expand the booster program, which is currently open for all over-40s.

Javid was asked about the enforceability of mandatory mask wearing. “I do think people will take this more seriously”.

Javid argued that “over the last few days, which has been very fast moving,” people would have been able understand the concerns regarding this new variant.

“They will be concerned for their own safety and that of their friends and family, and they want to know that their government is taking appropriate action.

“So I think that will encourage people anyway to listen and think about some of he new measures and take them seriously.”

He said: “I hope this is something we can remove within weeks.”

Targeted testing took place in Nottingham and Essex where the two infected individuals are located.


Boris Johnson announced the added restrictions yesterday after nine cases of the dreaded super-spreading strain were reported.

Two of the cases, currently being isolating, are linked to South African travel.

Johnson stated that tighter border controls will not be enough to stop the variant from spreading in Britain. “proportionate and targeted measures”They were urgently needed.

He said at a Downing Street briefing that he needed to slow down spread of the variant in the UK.

“In addition, to the precautions we have already taken, we will request that all contacts of people who are positive to Omicron for any reason must be isolated for 10 days. This applies regardless of whether or not you have received vaccinations.

“We will also go further in asking all of you to help contain the spread of this variant by tightening up the rules on face coverings in shops and on public transport.”

Unless they are exempted by medical reasons, everyone who travels in England on trains or buses will be required to cover their face.

These exact rules will be published. “the next day or so”Boris, Brits and I will be back “to a position where you have to wear them in retail settings or on public transport”.

Travellers who arrive in the UK must also take a mandatory PCR test. They must perform this test until they receive a negative result.

Face masks will once again become mandatory in shops and no public transport in England


In shops, and in public transport in England, face masks will be mandatory once more
Boris Johnson announced the new measures on Saturday evening


Boris Johnson announced new measures Saturday eveningCredit: Sky News

Boris stated that the stricter rules for mask-wearing are now in place “responsible course of action”To stop the spread of this new strain,

“These are targeted measures to provide confidence and protection, and we will review these measures in three weeks to ensure they are working effectively,”He told journalists.

These restrictions do not apply to Scotland or Wales, nor Northern Ireland. This marks a sharp U-turn on England’s road map out of lockdown.

Brits were allowed to take off their masks this July 19, as the country celebrated Freedom Day and an end of all restrictions.

Although the Government recommends that masks be worn in certain circumstances, individuals and businesses were free to choose when and how they covered up.

These targeted measures are intended to provide protection and confidence. We will be reviewing these measures within three weeks to make sure they work effectively.

Boris JohnsonPrime Minister

Yesterday’s grim picture in England was worsened by Mr Javid’s confirmation that two people had been tested positive for Omicron super strain.

Javid stated that the positive tests were due to two people having traveled to South Africa, where Omicron has witnessed an increase in cases.

He said that targeted testing is being done in Britain now, and that travel restrictions would be implemented for Malawi, Mozambique Zambia, Angola, and Zambia.

Sky News’ Mr Javid announced the news and said: “Last night, I was contacted in the UK by the UK Health Security Agency.

“I was informed by Omicron that there were two cases of the new Omicron variant in the United Kingdom.

“One in Chelmsford, the other in Nottingham.”

After senior scientists from the Government warned that the Omicron mutant variant was dangerous, the government finally allowed it to be used. “worst variant they have seen so far” – with vaccines expected to be at least a third less effective against it.

Dr Tom Peacock is a virologist at Imperial College London. He suggested that the variant could be. “of real concern” as 32 mutations in its spike protein could enable it to evade a person’s immune system more easily and spread to more people.

He tweeted the variant “very, very much should be monitored due to that horrific spike profile”It could be more contagious than any other variety.

Johnson indicated that Omicron vaccines are effective, even though it is still unclear if they work. “good reasons for believing they will provide at least some measure of protection”.

He stated today “we’re going to boost the booster campaign”Ask the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation to look into giving boosters. “as wide a group as possible as well as reducing the gap”Between the booster and second doses.

Professor Chris Whitty, however, urged people today to “take sensible precautions”Scientists work to analyze any information “possible increase in transmissibility or resistance to vaccines”In light of Omicron.

The Chief Medical Officer said: “We will continue to work closely with the international community to quickly gather and analyse information on this variant to understand any possible increase in transmissibility or resistance to vaccines.

“It is important that everyone takes sensible precautions – get a PCR test if you have symptoms, isolate when asked, wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces, ventilate rooms, get your vaccine and boosters as soon as you can.”

It became compulsory to wear a face covering on public transport in the UK on June 15, 2020.

Wearing a face mask in shops became compulsory on July 24, 2020.

Transport For London and other businesses continued to ask their customers to cover their faces even after the restrictions were lifted.

Children below 11 years of age and persons with breathing difficulties, mental illness and/or physical disability are exempted by wearing masks.

Carrying an exemption card or badge is a personal choice and is not required by law.

Boris Johnson announced the measures today


Today Boris Johnson announced these measures
Brits face fine of up to £6,400 for not wearing face mask in shops or on public transport from TOMORROW
Face masks are being used to prevent Omicron variant-related fears in England.


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