Bristol Gang Stabbings: Heart-wrenching tributes to ‘beautiful & kind’ teenage boys knifed to death – The Sun


Heartbreaking Tributes: Two Teen Boys Stabbed to Death in Bristol

Heartbreaking Family Tributes: Max Dixon, 16, and Mason Rist, 15, brutally stabbed to death in Bristol, Bristol. Click to read more about what happened.

Words are yet to be found to console the families and friends who lost their loved ones, Max Dixon, 16, and Mason Rist, 15, who fell victim to a tragic incident in Bristol on January 27. The events that led to their untimely deaths unfolded at around 11:20 PM on Ilminster Avenue in Knowle West, Bristol. Despite the efforts to save them, the teens passed away in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Heartbreaking Tributes

In the aftermath of this tragedy, tributes from family and friends poured in, reflecting great love and heartache. Max’s sister, Kayleigh, took to Facebook to express her love for him, only to lament the loss of a beautiful, innocent soul at such a tender age of 16. The grief-stricken mother, Leanne, echoed the words, describing the devastation caused by Max’s passing. Additionally, Max’s football coach, Scott Alden, remembered him as an exuberant and vivacious young spirit, exhibiting an unparalleled love for both family and friends.

The Unease in the Community

In the wake of the appalling incident, the local community found themselves reeling in shock and panic. Emotional and heart-wrenching accounts from residents and a local school voiced their concern, urging vigilance and compassion during this difficult time.

Call for Justice

Resonating the feelings of shock and despair that enveloped the community, the Mayor of Bristol, Marvin Rees, voiced his sorrow for the tragic loss of lives and solidarity for the grieving families. The Vicar of the Saint Barnaby church, Reverend Clive Hamilton, reflected on the grim reality of tragedies like these in many parts of Britain, emphasizing the urgent call for a collective stand against this disturbing trend.

Arrests Made

In the early days following the incident, the Avon and Somerset Police made strides in the investigation, confirming the arrest of a 44-year-old man and a 15-year-old boy. Efforts are ongoing to capture all responsible parties as part of the double murder inquiry.

Full Police Statement

Mark Runacres, the Bristol commander at Avon and Somerset police, led the murder investigation, assuring an exhaustive pursuit of all leads until justice is served. As facts and evidence continue to be gathered and reconstructed, the focus remains on comforting the grieving families and providing unwavering support throughout the ongoing investigations.


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