Breaking: Sheridan Smith secures lead role in edgy new series following West End triumph


The Emotional Journey of Sheridan Smith Playing Ann Ming

Sheridan Smith, known for her incredible dramatic performances, is gearing up to take on one of her most challenging and emotionally raw roles yet. In an exclusive reveal, it has been confirmed that she will portray Ann Ming, a woman who fought tirelessly for 15 years to change the “double jeopardy” law. This law prevented individuals from being tried twice for the same crime, a battle sparked by the tragic murder of Ann Ming’s daughter, Julie Hogg, by her former partner in 1989.

The Role of Sheridan Smith in a Gritty ITV Drama

A source close to the production shared, “Sheridan is stepping into the role for a new ITV drama inspired by Ann’s book, ‘For The Love Of Julie’.” Ann’s relentless campaign and advocacy efforts led to her daughter’s killer, Billy Dunlop, being sentenced to life imprisonment after much legal turmoil.

An Emotional Tale of Justice and Courage

The upcoming four-part drama will delve into Ann’s unwavering pursuit of justice for Julie, a story that is heart-wrenching and poignant. Sheridan is committed to honoring Ann and Julie’s legacy through her portrayal in the series, promising to deliver a performance that pays tribute to their journey.

A Historic Turning Point and Personal Triumph

Ann’s search for justice began when Julie’s remains were discovered in her home, concealed behind a bath panel, nearly three months after her disappearance. The subsequent legal proceedings, including two trials where the jury could not reach a decision, underscored the need for changes to be made in the legal system.

The Impact of Ann Ming’s Advocacy

Despite the initial setback, Ann’s perseverance paid off when the double jeopardy law was reformed in 2005, leading to Dunlop’s eventual conviction and serving a life sentence. Ann’s unyielding determination and resilience in the face of adversity have left a lasting legacy of hope and justice.

The Power of Storytelling and Advocacy

Ann and Julie’s story has captivated audiences and shed light on the importance of advocates like Ann who tirelessly work to bring about meaningful change in society. Their journey was also documented in a Channel 5 documentary titled ‘The Incident Room’ last year, further highlighting the impact of their advocacy work.

A Promise of Authenticity and Respect

In reflecting on the significance of her work, Ann expressed, “I’m pleased I have made a difference. I was just a one-man band, writing letters into the night.” Sheridan’s commitment to portraying Ann’s story authentically and respectfully ensures that their legacy continues to inspire and educate audiences.

Overall, Sheridan Smith’s portrayal of Ann Ming in the upcoming ITV drama promises to be a compelling and emotionally charged narrative that shines a light on the power of perseverance and advocacy in the face of adversity.


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