Biden tests positive for COVID again, will reenter isolation


President Biden has once again tested positive for COVID-19, White House physician Kevin C. O’Connor Announced Saturday.

“After testing negative on Tuesday evening, Wednesday morning, Thursday morning and Friday morning, the President tested positive late Saturday morning, by antigen testing,” O’Connor wrote in a memo. “This in fact represents ‘rebound’ positivity.”

Since he doesn’t have any symptoms at the moment, “there is no reason to reinitiate treatment at this time.”Biden started using the antiviral drug Paxlovid after he was first diagnosed on July 21st, having experienced mild symptoms.

Biden returned to in-person presidential duties three days ago and continued to wear a mask. Biden will now return to the United States. “strict isolation procedures,” said O’Connor, promising to follow up with any changes to his condition.

The president confirmed the diagnosis shortly thereafter in a tweet: “Folks, today I tested positive for COVID again. This happens with a small minority of folks. I’ve got no symptoms but I am going to isolate for the safety of everyone around me. I’m still at work, and will be back on the road soon.”

See O’Connor’s full memo below.

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