Before Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine: How Deadpool 3’s Original Plot Differed Dramatically


Title: The Original Plot of Deadpool 3 Revealed – A Road Trip with Wolverine


Introduction to Deadpool 3 Pre-Disney Era Plot

Recent revelations about the initial concept of “Deadpool 3” under the Fox banner have sparked curiosity among fans. In a tweet from Ryan Reynolds, the idea of a road trip adventure between Deadpool and Wolverine in a unique “Rashomon” style was hinted at. This alternative version of the film was in the works before Disney’s acquisition of Fox.

Ryan Reynolds’ Vision and Hugh Jackman’s Role

Ryan Reynolds’ social media post aligns with details shared by Karan Soni, providing insight into the evolution of the film’s storyline. However, Reynolds’ account lacks any mention of a Christmas theme, leaving room for speculation. The decision to include Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in “Deadpool 3” was initially met with skepticism, perceived as a nostalgic ploy. Nevertheless, it was later revealed to be a crucial element of Reynolds’ creative vision.

Marvel Studios and the Future of X-Men in the MCU

Marvel Studios’ integration of the X-Men franchise into the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a strategic move, as demonstrated by the upcoming “Deadpool & Wolverine” film. This highly anticipated movie, set to introduce the character Wolverinepool, is slated for release on July 26, 2024. The inclusion of Wolverinepool hints at a fresh perspective on the beloved Wolverine character, promising an exciting cinematic experience for fans.


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