Authorities Warn People To Protect Themselves From West Nile Virus

With the COVID-19 pandemic still affecting much of the United States and health experts advising people to get their flu shots, there’s another illness people need to worry about — the West Nile virus.

Reports of people across the country being infected by the virus have been occurring frequently, including one man in Arizona and one person in Los Angeles County dying as a result of being infected. Sen. Charles Schumer has even asked for the federal government to assist in killing mosquitoes in New York to prevent the virus from spreading in the state.

The West Nile virus, which is transmitted by mosquitoes, can lead to death and sickness like COVID-19. Victims who don’t know they are infected could face serious complications. Noreen Hynes, director of the Geographic Medicine Center of the division of infectious diseases at Johns Hopkins University, told USA TODAY “the real important thing is people have to protect themselves.”

As cases of the West Nile virus continue to rise throughout the country, experts are advising people to be cautious when being outdoors as autumn begins.

Since it's introduction to the United States in 1999, the West Nile virus has infected 52,944 Americans and been responsible for 2,463 deaths.

What is West Nile Virus, and how can it be prevented?

West Nile virus first appeared in a Ugandan woman in 1937, and since then has spread throughout the world, first appearing in the U.S. in 1999, according to the World Health Organization.

Although mosquito bites are the most common method of contracting the virus, the WHO says that the virus actually originates in birds. Infected birds are what mosquitoes ingest to get the virus. They then transmit the virus to mosquito salivary glands. This then makes it easier for mosquitoes to bite people.

“A mosquito really prefers to bite birds,” Hynes said. “But it’s important for people to realize that the mosquitoes are happy to bite you, too.”

What are the symptoms? It can be fatal.

The virus can be fatal but it’s much less common than people think. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 80% of infected people don’t experience symptoms. The 20% who experience symptoms may have headaches, body aches, and vomiting. They can also be associated with weakness and fatigue that can last months.

One in 150 people who are infected with the virus develops severe symptoms that can cause paralysis, disorientation, paralysis, and paralysis to their central nervous system. The CDC estimated 10% of people who develop symptoms affecting their central nervous system die.

West Nile is not a vaccine but can be transmitted by contact with humans. COVID-19 does not have this ability. As with most viral infections, those over 60 and immunocompromised are more at risk for developing severe symptoms.

Although there are more cases than ever before, the number of infected people is still far below the 2,647 who were infected in 2019 and the 167 who died. The worst year was 2003 when 9862 people became infected. 2012 saw 286 deaths, representing 5% of the infected population.

Since 1999, the West Nile virus has infected 52,944 Americans and is responsible for 2,463 U.S. deaths. At the time of writing, September 21 saw 479 cases and 21 deaths. Although the numbers aren’t as high as previous years, Hynes stated that August and September are the peak months for the virus’ spread.

Sen. Schumer said this year is, “actually one of the worst mosquito seasons that we have had in recent memory,” as the virus has been found in all five of New York City’s boroughs.

Hynes said its possible people being outside more this year than last year due to the pandemic may have contributed to high virus numbers, but what really does matter is this year has been wetter than 2020.

Since much of the East Coast dealt with rain from Hurricane Ida, wetter weather can mean more mosquitoes as they lay their eggs and spend their first few days of life in water.

“They’ll do it in even small amounts of water. So, if you have standing water around your house, you probably want to make sure that you pour it out after the rain so that the mosquitoes can’t lay their eggs,” She agreed.

How can you keep safe?

Hynes stated that mosquitoes are active most often between dusk and dawn. It is important to remember this when you’re outdoors. Although you can purchase mosquito repellent, you should know that mosquitoes can bite through clothing.

Authorities Warn People To Protect Themselves From West Nile Virus

“You would have to consider pre-treating your clothing before you go outside with permethrin,” Hynes said. Permethrin is available in different stores and brands. It can be used on clothing and camping gear. Permethrin is a great option for hikers and campers.

“You can put that on your clothes and will stay embedded in the fibers for six weeks or six items of washing, whichever comes first,” Hynes said.

Hynes advised that you wear lighter colors because mosquitoes love darker clothes. By avoiding mosquito bites, you can avoid the spread of other diseases like malaria.

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