Ashley Judd Honors Late Mother Naomi Judd With Sweet Message And Pictures


Ashley Judd Honors Late Mother Naomi Judd With Sweet Message And Pictures

The Judd family has been in mourning since losing their matriarch Naomi Judd. As devastated as fans were by the country legend’s unexpected and sudden death, her daughters Wynonna and Ashley have been moving foreward with heavy hearts. Both women remained largely silent about her passing in the immediate aftermath, safe for honoring her memory during The Judds’ induction into the Country Music Hall of Fame the day after her death. That silence was finally broken as younger daughter Ashley Judd honored her late mother with a sweet message and pictures on social media.

The Divergent actress took to Instagram to share behind-the-scenes moments from the past few days as a way of sharing how her family has been dealing with Naomi Judd’s death since the news broke on Apr. 30. Viewers got a glimpse of the younger Judd’s grief during the Hall of Fame induction ceremony, and she followed up on that with an assortment of photos accompanied by a thankful message to fans, and a sweet shout out to her late mom.

Your outpouring is reaching me. Thank you for every thought, prayer, message, text, email, post, expression. We each are alone and we are in fellowship, broken and held, protected from nothing and sustained in everything. It’s the beginning of an old story, life and death, loss and life. Be free, my beautiful mother. Be free. #honorthymother #honorthymusic

Ashley Judd was clearly grateful for the well-wishes, condolences, and other messages she and her family have received after her mother’s passing. The Hollywood star backed up her beautiful tribute by adding pictures and videos capturing both current-day and throwback moments. Check out the actress’ full post below to see more of her tribute to the late country icon.

Her message tapped into the mix of emotions one feels when dealing with the loss of a loved one, and the Emmy nominee is well-versed when it comes to facing and triumphing over adversity in her life. She and her older sister are just in the early phases of grief, but they can hopefully be comforted by the plethora of videos and photos from Naomi Judd’s life and career that serve as a reminder of the late singer’s legacy. While only a consulation, at least she and her family can live with the memories of her mother through everything that’s been left behind.

While the youngest daughter has acknowledged the outpouring of love and support, the oldest daughter has yet to comment on their mother’s passing outside of their official family statement. Before the Judd matriarch and occasional Hallmark holiday movie actress’ unexpected death, she and her eldest daughter Wynonna were poised to embark on their final tour as The Judds after the country music duo made a triumphant return to performing when they opened up this year’s CMT Music Awards. It is currently unknown what the surviving Judds member will do regarding the upcoming tour dates.

We at CinemaBlend send out condolences to the late country music legend’s family, friends, and fans during this challenging time.


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