Anna Sorokin, the ‘Fake Sheiress’, shares details about NYC’s House Arrest


The woman who tricked people into believing her to be a wealthy heiress has been released from jail and is fighting to stay in the United States. Anna Sorokin has spent 18 months in jail and is the subject of a Netflix series. Steven Fabian, Inside Edition correspondent, says she deserves a second chance.

Inside Edition invited the convicted con artist to her tiny one-bedroom rental apartment on Manhattan’s Lower East Side after she was released from an immigration detention centre.

This is a far cry of the extravagant lifestyle she bought by conniving with banks, hotels, and friends.

Sorokin, who is now under house arrest, awaits a hearing on her deportation that could lead to her being sent back to Germany. An ankle bracelet watches her every move.

“Sometimes it vibrates, and I have to tap it to kind of indicate that I’m still here,”Sorokin spoke.

She can climb up to the roof and collect food delivery and her mail from the lobby. She cannot leave the building except for her scheduled appointments with her probationary.

Sorokin speaks out about the hit Netflix series “Inventing Anna”: “If people enjoy it, good for them. I don’t take it personally or seriously.”

Sorokin now wants to make some money selling the artworks she created in prison. She was compensated $320,000 for her services as a consultant in the Netflix series. But the money went directly to her victims.


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