Ancient ‘Dragon’ Fossil with Colossal Neck Leaves Scientists Stunned – 240 Million Year-Old Discovery


“Dragon” Fossil From Ancient Triassic Period Discovered in China: Breaking News

Paleontologists were in for a surprise after they recently uncovered what can only be described as a ‘remarkably’ well-preserved “dragon” fossil in Guizhou, China. Dating back to a staggering 240-million-years ago, this complete fossil of a 16ft long aquatic reptile has left scientists astounded.

The Remarkable Discovery of the “Dragon” Fossil

It’s fascinating to note that the nickname “dragon” was coined due to the long neck and tail of the creature. However, its real name is Dinocephalosaurus orientalis. First identified in 2003, scientists have only been able to study the animal’s full anatomy now, thanks to new research published by Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of The Royal Society of Edinburgh.

International Efforts Pay Off

Some international efforts have indeed paid off, as the discovery of Dinocephalosaurus orientalis is a result of a decade-long collaboration between researchers from Scotland, Germany, America, and China. Their valuable findings have significantly added to the collective knowledge of this ancient species.

Awe-Inducing Creature

The long and snake-like appearance of Dinocephalosaurus orientalis is reminiscent of the mythical Chinese dragon, making it a mesmerizing subject of study for both experts and enthusiasts alike.

Final Thoughts

The discovery of the ‘dragon’ fossil, Dinocephalosaurus orientalis, stands as a testament to the strange and wonderful world of the Triassic period. As further research and studies continue, it’s clear that the mysteries of our ancient past are far from being entirely unveiled.


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