Amidst Prince Charles’ Charity Scanda lPrince William, Kate Middleton ‘Fast-Tracked To The Throne’.


Amidst Prince Charles’ Charity Scanda lPrince William, Kate Middleton ‘Fast-Tracked To The Throne’.Are Prince William and Kate Middleton gearing up to take the throne amid Prince Charles’recent scandal? One tabloid claims Queen Elizabeth II is naming Prince William as her immediate successor. Let’s take a look at the rumor.

Queen Elizabeth Planning To ‘Freeze Out’ Prince Charles?

This week, Life & Style reports Prince William, Kate Middleton, and their three children are moving into Windsor Castle to be closer to Queen Elizabeth II. An insider dished, “It’s something they’ve been talking about with the queen,” adding, “With Prince Phillip’s passing, it makes sense for William to be closer to his grandmother.” But that isn’t the only reason the Cambridges are moving into Windsor. According to the tabloid, the queen is preparing her grandson for the throne to replace Prince Charles.

It was recently revealed that Charles’ closest aide, Michael Fawcett, offered a Saudi tycoon a knighthood in exchange for $2 million in donations. While he maintains his innocence and denies knowing of his aide’s activities, the tabloid claims this was the last straw for the queen. “The queen is beside herself,” The snitch claims. “Whether Charles is innocent or not, she’s facing yet another scandal. And, to be frank, she’s tired of it.”

The queen is now preparing to name William Middleton and Middleton, her immediate successors. “She wants to start training them to be king and queen — ASAP — once they move to Windsor. She doesn’t think Charles can handle the job.” However, the word is that Charles isn’t taking kindly to the news. “Charles went off on William and insinuated that he’s a traitor,” the insider confides, “but William’s loyal to his grandmother, and if she wants him to be king, he’ll do it.”

Prince William And Kate Middleton At Royal’ Training Camp’ In Windsor Castle?Amidst Prince Charles’ Charity Scanda lPrince William, Kate Middleton ‘Fast-Tracked To The Throne’.

While it’s been rumored that William and Middleton are considering moving to Windsor, their plans haven’t been confirmed. Furthermore, the rumors about the Cambridges’ relocation plans predate the news of Charles’ recent scandal. Given the timeline, it’s unlikely these events are connected at all. If the Cambridges move into Windsor, it’s likely so they can get out of London, spend more time with the queen, and take on more responsibility now that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have left their royal duties.

And although tabloids constantly speculate that the queen is naming William as her successor, it simply isn’t up to her. The queen doesn’t have the power to skip over Charles in the line of succession. Parliament is required to make any changes to the line of succession. Until Charles is charged with an actual crime, we doubt Charles’ spot in line is in any danger.Amidst Prince Charles’ Charity Scanda lPrince William, Kate Middleton ‘Fast-Tracked To The Throne’.

The Tabloid On The Cambridges

This is far from the first time, Life & Style has gotten it wrong about Prince William and Kate Middleton. Last year, the tabloid reported that William and Middleton were due with their fourth child. Then the tabloid claimed Middleton was “overwhelmed” and “lashing out” at William. Even the tabloid claimed that William was concerned about his wife’s anorexic tendencies. Life & Style isn’t trustworthy when it comes to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.