American Husband Does Not Want His Child to Learn Wife’s Asian Language

The man confessed that he had no intention of teaching their child his wife’s native language. The father was born in America and married an Asian woman, whose native language is Urdu. The father doesn’t agree with his wife’s desire that their child learns English and Urdu.

A Reddit user named THROWAWAYRAHALLOWENI asked for advice when his wife demanded that their child learn her native language. The father says that it is not necessary and that their child should learn the language they speak.

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Many children in the United States aren’t exposed to other languages, and they often grow up with English as their only medium of communication. Some parents may not be aware of the benefits of raising bilingual children.

Man and woman sitting on a pavement in front of a forrest | Source: Unsplash

Man and woman sitting on a pavement in front of a forest.


Reddit user THROWAWAYRAHALLOWENI’s wife is from Asia, and she grew up speaking Urdu. Redditor’s wife had always intended to teach their child her native language, so she could pass on her heritage. She also insisted that they learn English so they could become bilingual.

Redditor however had reservations. He stated in his post that he does not plan to encourage their child to learn Urdu, as he believes they can handle English. In his post, he wrote,

“She plans on speaking to him in Urdu and wants me to speak English so we can raise him bilingual. But a part of me is nervous and hesitant because My child would be speaking a language I can’t understand or speak and I feel like it would create a rift between us so I’d rather we stick to just English. WIBTA?”

One Redditor was quick to step in and explain to the father why he was wrong. Reddit user BL3Moxxxi told the OP that he should learn it instead of being afraid of his child speaking a language he doesn’t understand. Redditor BL3Moxxxi pointed out that the OP’s insecurity has put him in this situation, and he should improve his self-esteem.

Man holding a baby | Source: Unsplash



Empathy is one of the greatest advantages bilingual children have. Studies have shown that these children have tended to have better social understanding. Other studies have shown that bilingual children have some academic advantages over their peers. Brain function can be boosted by learning another language.

Two methods can be used by parents to raise bilingual children.

For children to master a second language, it is important to expose them to both languages early in their lives. If the child decides to learn another language, this will give them an advantage.

woman holding baby | Source: Unsplash

Two methods for raising bilingual children.


There are two methods that parents can use when raising a bilingual child. The first method is known as OPOL or one parent’s language. The second is heritage language learning. Both of these methods allow parents to teach their children languages.

The most popular technique for parents is the one-parent,one-language. If a couple speaks different languages they can communicate with their baby in their native language. The Reddit example shows how the wife would speak Urdu to their baby and the father would speak English.

This technique is not for everyone, however. In her study about linguistics, Professor Barbara Zurer Pearson says,

“Recent studies suggest that ‘one parent, one language’ is not the best strategy.”

Man hugging pregnant woman and child | Source: Unsplash

Man hugging pregnant woman and child.

Another popular method is the heritage language technique. This basically means that you teach your kids to hear, speak, and use your heritage language through repetition. If everyone in the household speaks the language, it’ll be easier for them to pick it up.

Parents can use games, stories, and even songs to help their children pick up another language. By making the learning environment fun and interactive, kids will learn the language faster. Karen Banes from Rose and Rex talks about the importance of parents using play to help their children develop.

“Whether we’re making mud pies, flying a kite or playing a computer game, play helps us to connect with our children, build and develop our relationship with them, and present ourselves as someone they can feel relaxed and secure with.”

They can also enroll them in schools that have bilingual/multilingual programs so that their kids can be exposed to their native language outside the home.

A few years ago, Reddit user technomad posed a question to the community asking for advice on his two-and-a-half-year-old baby. The Redditor planned to teach them three languages: Arabic, English, and Mandarin. The idea was that the sooner they could teach her these languages, the easier it would be for her to pick them up.

However, the Redditor had some reservations. He wasn’t sure if this idea would have benefited their baby in any way, and he was concerned that by doing this, they risk delaying the baby’s speech development. Shortly after, a user named DockingBay_94 replied with a comprehensive and helpful answer. The Redditor said,

“There is no question that acquiring language as a child (the younger the better) is the way to go. Once you pass a certain age you can no longer acquire a language through the brain’s natural mechanisms, and language must be taught, like reading or math.”

Man holding two children | Source: Unsplash

Man holding two children.

DockingBay_94 added that there might be a slight delay in development, but it would only be for a short time. The user assured the OP that the benefits of teaching his baby multiple languages far outweighed any risk and that it, in the long run, it would give them a competitive advantage.

The consensus among professionals is that children with diverse heritage and are bilingual have a competitive advantage. For this reason, the Redditor in the first story may need to rethink his stance. What’s your opinion on this topic? Please leave a comment and let us know.

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