Alec Baldwin settles with Halyna HUTCHINS’ Estate


Luke NikasAn attorney for the30 Rockalum,also released a statement in that press release, saying, “Throughout this difficult process, everyone has maintained the specific desire to do what is best for Halyna’s son. We are grateful to everyone who contributed to the resolution of this tragic and painful situation.”

In February, Matthew filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Baldwin and others who were involved with the film. While on set in New Mexico, the actor discharged a prop gun, accidentally shooting Hutchins and directorJoel Souza.

After the shooting, Hutchins was airlifted to a local hospital, where she was pronounced dead, while Souza, who was shot in the shoulder, was taken by ambulance to another medical center for treatment and was later released.

E! received the wrongful-death complaint. News, stated that Baldwin “recklessly shot and killed” Hutchins and claims he and other defendants named in the case “failed to perform industry standard safety checks and follow basic gun safety rules while using real guns to produce the movieRust, with fatal consequences.”


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