Alec Baldwin Gives Phone To Police For ‘Rust’Fatal shooting Probe


Weeks after a search warrant was issued for Alec Baldwin’s cell phone, theRustPolice have received the device from star to investigate the death of Halyna HUTCHINS, New Mexico cinematographer, last October.

Sought by the Santa Fe Sheriff’s Office to help determine what actually occurred on the Bonanza Creek Ranch set of the indie Western, the iPhone has been handed over to Suffolk Country police in New York state, near one of the multi-Emmy winner’s residence.

After much back and forth over the Christmas break over some of the private contents of the actor’s phone with Santa Fe D.A.’s office, Baldwin’s IPhone was delivered to Suffolk County authorities today. Also possessing the necessary password to unlock the phone, the Empire State police and other law enforcement will be examining the device for what I’m told is “relevant information,”Before it is sent the Land of Enchantment.

“Alec voluntarily provided his phone to the authorities this morning so they can finish their investigation,” the actor’s lawyer Aaron Dyer told Deadline.”But this matter isn’t about his phone, and there are no answers on his phone,” the civil attorney at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP went on to state. “Alec did nothing wrong. It is clear that he was told it was a cold gun, and was following instructions when this tragic accident occurred. The real question that needs to be answered is how live rounds got on the set in the first place.”

Officials at the Suffolk County police station had “no comment”Today they refused to answer questions about whether they had the telephone. The Santa Fe Sheriff’s Office did not respond to request for comment from Deadline about the status of the much valued phone.

Despite the delay of nearly a month after the December 16 search order was approved by New Mexico judges, Baldwin posted an Instagram on January 8 praising his right for privacy. “Any suggestion that I am not complying with requests or orders or demands or search warrants about my phone, that’s bullshit, that’s a lie,”The actor was added.

Baldwin claimed to ABC that he had never pulled the trigger on what he believed was a safe weapon and killed DP Hutchins. RustJoel Souza was practicing as a director on October 21st, while Joel Souza was still in training. “quick draw”Move during a rehearsal in a location church on the film. Baldwin was interviewed by the Santa Fe Sheriff’s Office in the immediate aftermath of the shooting. He was released without restrictions or conditions.

Despite the increasing number of civic lawsuits and ongoing search for the source of live rounds on the film set, no arrests or charges have been made. Santa Fe police have executed previous search warrants.RustSet have discovered many weapons, and Sheriff Adan Mendoza says they are still looking. “500 rounds of ammunition … a mix of blanks, dummy rounds and what we are suspecting are live rounds.”


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