Alabama GOP Group Posts Art with White Supremacist Imagery


Alabama Republican Group apologized after posting GOP artwork that contained white supremacist imagery. It was not realized it had been published by Mother Jones, a left-leaning magazine.

The Lawrence County Republican Party The mea culpa was issued Wednesday for using an image of the GOP elephant that contained references to the KKK — not realizing that the image was published in Mother Jones as a critique of the presence of white supremacy in the GOP.

“Two years ago, we commissioned this art from Woody Harrington to reference how white supremacy was taking over the GOP,”Clara Jeffery, Mother Jones editor-in chief Tweet Thursday. “Not only didn’t they not get it, they appropriated copyrighted art.”

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Jeffery also shared an Instagram post from the art’s creator, Woody Harrington. Harrington wrote the following: Adressed the image’s use by the Republican group and explained that the piece was intended to display “the hate, bigotry and racism hidden within Trump’s GOP.”

“Its now come to my attention that the Hate Elephant has been given new life (without permission or credit of course) in not one, but two republican campaigns,”Harrington stated this in his post. “Let this be a lesson in copyright karma, and always remember to ask for a proof….”

Alabama was the first to form a group PostedThey posted the image, which was later deleted, on their Facebook Page. A message thanked their former chairman of county party and welcomed in the chairman. The art contained white hoods with eyes in the spaces between the elephant’s legs.

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Anthony Daniels, Minority Leader of Alabama House of Representatives condemned the image via Twitter. Say it “Shame on the Lawrence County Republican Party for this disgusting image.”

After the backlash, chairman Shanon Terry issuedFacebook Group Monday apologized for their mistake. It noted that the leader had taken full responsibility and that the image was being corrected. “immediately replaced”Once the mistake was made,

“I would like to offer a deep and sincere apology for a picture that temporarily appeared on this page last night,”The statement was as follows: “A google search picture of a GOP elephant was used and later found to have hidden images that do not represent the views or beliefs of the Lawrence County Republican Party.”

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