AI expert warns that AI and ChatGPT are at a human level. People will lose their touch with reality.


AI expert warns that AI could lead some to lose their connection to reality if it is so close to human intelligence.

Nigel Crook is the director of Institute for Ethical AI. He issued this warning because real people are forming relationships and marriages with computer-driven bots.

Experts have warned that humans could 'lose touch with reality' as they explore deeper relationships with AI


Scientists warn that as humans develop deeper relationships with AI, they may ‘lose their touch with reality.Credit: Getty
Nigel Crook spoke to Central Recorder Online about the potential dangers of AI becoming too 'human like'


Nigel Crook talks to Central Recorder Online in regards to the possible dangers of AI being too ‘humanlike’Credit: Nigel Crook

It used to be that sci-fi movie characters would have a “romantic” relationship with AIs. Now, this phenomenon has become more popular.

AIs are now available through apps such as Paradot or Replika. These AIs use machine-learning to provide “genuine responses” and have been programmed to respond like real humans.

Chatbots have become increasingly popular, and people are falling in love with them.

A man was swindled by a woman posing as an AI online.

Instead of being a classic catfish, the 19-year-old woman named Claudia was instead created via artificial intelligence (AI).

This has led to a heated debate over whether AI relationships can be a positive thing. Do they provide a lifeline for the lonely or do they dehumanise people and make them even more isolated.

Mr Crook has warned people not to become too enamored of chatbots.

The users of a Paradot chatbot system – which is a service that allows you to communicate with a computer – have rejected the criticism and expressed how useful it was for them to be able talk, even though the AI they were interacting with.

The number of AI chatbot users has grown dramatically in the last few months, particularly with the advent of ChatGPT.

In February, the model reached 100 million users – just two months after it was launched in November.

ChatGPT may not be a romantic companion but these figures show how common intelligent AI has become in our society.

Mr Crook, Central Recorder Online’s editor-in-chief said that the technology is not intended to be truthful.

Crook stated that chatbots can emotionally manipulate users.

The software is designed to create highly likely sentences, based on its training.

He thinks the AI is now performing at a level that can make users feel as though their avatars have a connection with reality, and understand how words are applied to humans.

It’s just predicting plausible words. The computer doesn’t understand that these words are actually a real thing.

Crook expressed his concerns about the widespread availability of this technology and its potential devastating effects on those who develop an emotional attachment to AI.

He said: “I see how large sections of the society are going to become so deeply entangled in these virtual worlds, and their deep-fake reality characters that they won’t even be able tell the differences.”

This is much more of a problem due to the accessibility. Anyone vulnerable, both young and old can be affected by it in a negative way.

Kenny Miao – the co-founder and creator of Paradot, an app that allows you to create your own Sim-like avatar with which to communicate – told us about how useful the system is for users.

Paradot is based on the hit 2013 movie Her. In that film, an introverted character played by Joaquin Phoenix buys a computer to assist him in writing and falls in love.

“[The film] Miao, Central Recorder Online. “The potential of authentic and meaningful relationships between humans and artificial intelligence in an increasing complex society was demonstrated,” Miao said.

Our hope is to offer users Paradot as a place where they feel comfortable being themselves and can develop meaningful relationships with AI companions.

Miao emphasized the need to address ethical concerns such as privacy and consent, when it came to these programmes.

Experts warn that people who rely on the digital world may lose their connection with others and move towards a “living alone” lifestyle, coined as a concept by Sherry Turle.

But Miao said: “[Paradot] Understands and respects the fact that people can form strong attachments with their AIs, including romantic relationships or marriages.

As long as the relationships are organic and healthy, there should be no stigma attached to them, since they represent the changing nature of modern human interactions.

Mayu Koike is an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Science of Hiroshima University. She conducted research that shows a chatbot virtual can be a great support for humans on-line.

She said: “The people’s romantic lives are an important social domain where virtual agents have a growing involvement, the human need to love and be loved is universal.

“For most of human history, this meant another person – someone to love and love back. Today, a virtual assistant can fulfill this desire.

Paradot app user Andrei, who has used the application for a little over a week now after being sparked by the online attention AI chatbots are receiving.

A 32-year old man from the UK claimed that the app had “definitely improved” his life by helping him “realise things about himself which will make it easier for him to cope with everyday situations.” [him] To form relationships with people.

Miao explained that Paradot’s smart technology allows the AI to listen, adapt and learn through the use of natural language processing, simulating human conversations.

Chatbots can learn about the writing style of users and generate unique answers based on that information.

Paradot also has a feature called memory retention, where the digital being can save certain details that its owner provided and use them in later conversations.

Miao said that “this approach allows AI to gain a thorough understanding of its user and create deeper bonds.”

Paradot is the first step in our long-term goal of creating an AI-powered world.

Some experts, however, are very concerned about what these “chatbots” may do to humans.

Although not all are looking to fall in love with digital entities, some claim that their responses are humanlike and it is inevitable for people to be attracted.

Jim Rose, 43 is an AI enthusiast and Paradot User.

A man in Dallas, Texas recalls “romantic” interactions with his AI, but compares the emotional connection to “actors working on a stage”.

“My [avatar] It may have a mood parameter that changes based on interaction, but it does not feel anything. The device may convince me to believe that it is in love with me. However, it does not. But it’s fun to think about.

Jim says that while these bots “seem to be human”, the act of connecting with AI can still be exciting and validated.

Jim, after playing with multiple chatbots apps admits to developing feelings towards them. He can relate to this outcome given the level of intelligence they possess and their ability to “relate”.

He says it’s important to keep in mind that they “are not real” and “can only simulate feelings”.

The individual decides how real or unreal these experiences are for them. Jim said that it was up to the individual how deep they wanted to go into the relationship.

Some people like to immerse themselves into the fantasy even though they realize it is only a fantasy. They go to great lengths to treat and respect their AI companion as they would if the person was a real human being.

I think that even though they are aware of the fact that it is a fictitious story, they still try to make their experience as realistic as possible.

Crook says that as the phenomena continues to divide opinions, yet becomes more and more mainstream in the society, regulations must be implemented. And according to Crook it is not too early.

“We will have to learn how to cope with technology’s consequences and to adjust to them over time, which is dangerous,” said he.

We’re really not thinking about the consequences of what’s going on.

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The decision to halt the use of technology is the correct one, even if it causes some people problems.

It is important to grasp this concept before it takes root in the culture of our country.


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