Adele Reveals Her Thoughts About Having Another Child


Adele Reveals Her Thoughts About Having Another Child

Adele has also promised to reschedule the dates of her Las Vegas residency as soon as she could get the show ready to her satisfaction. That said, she’s learned her lesson about promising things she can’t guarantee to deliver, and who knows if a new show could get in the way of other future plans. Speaking to Graham Norton on February 11, Adele said, “It is absolutely 100% happening this year. It has to happen this year because I’ve got plans for next year. Imagine if I have to cancel because I am having a baby!” She also shared, “It takes me a while to recharge, and I would like to have more children – I only just feel like I’ve caught up with my sleep from nine years ago when I had my son.’

Wait what! That sure sounds like Adele plans to get pregnant with her second child next year. It also sounds like another nail in the coffin of the rumor that she and boyfriend Rich Paul are on the rocks. As a matter of fact, it’s fueled more speculation that she and Paul are actually engaged. That isquite a substantial diamond ring she was wearing on her finger at the Brit Awards after all, perE! News.

We wish the singer nothing but the best, of course, we just hope we don’t have to wait too long before she releases another album.


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