Alec And Hilaria Baldwin Share A Big Announcement About Baby No. 7


Alec And Hilaria Baldwin Share A Big Announcement About Baby No. 7

Baby will make seven for Alec Baldwin and his wife, Hilaria Baldwin. The yoga enthusiast took to her Instagram to share a little more information about the impending arrival of their little bundle of joy in mid-May. Hilaria shared a video that featured herself, her kids, and Alec sharing their thoughts on welcoming a new life in an encouraging video. At the end of the clip, Hilaria notes that she’s excited to meet her daughter, while her kids gush over their future baby sister.

“It’s always been both fun and meaningful for me to find out what is the sex of my baby, yet, as I grow and learn, I want to do it a bit differently this time around,” she wrote. “What will make our baby a loving, whole person? What matters? What will make them feel seen, free, and proud?” Hilaria asked, stating that the answer was “perhaps nothing that we can define.” The mother of six continued by sharing that each being will “discover their own, unique self.” She ended by cooing over her current six and how much they mean to her.

There’s no doubt that Hilaria has her hands full with her children, and in April, she informed fans that her son, Rafa, broke his arm while he was at the park. “This is a part of being a parent that is so heartbreaking,” shewrote. It’s tough work!


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