Tom Holland: Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire at Rehearsals

  • Tom Holland talked about his experiences working with Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire. “Spider-Man: No Way Home.”
  • Holland claimed that Holland noted the date for their arrival on his calendar. He got more nervous as it neared.
  • Holland stated that his nerves were calmed after he met the actors at Atlanta rehearsals.

Tom Holland stated that he was nervous to meet Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire at their first rehearsal together. “Spider-Man: No Way Home”He invited costars Zendaya Batalon, Jacob Batalon, to join him.

“It was daunting,”Holland made the remarks while being accompanied for the interview by Maguire and Garfield. Interview with Pete Hammond, Deadline. “It was very daunting because we were a long way into shooting before you guys showed up. We were maybe three months into principal photography.”

Holland continued: “The date of the other Spider-Mans coming was etched on my calendar and I was getting closer and closer and closer, and the closer and closer I got, the more and more nervous I was. And then as soon as I met you guys in Atlanta, I realized I had nothing to be nervous about.”

From left: Tobey Maguire in "Spider-Man 2," Andrew Garfield in "The Amazing Spider-Man," and Tom Holland in "Spider-Man: No Way Home."

Tobey Maguire (inside) “Spider-Man 2,”Andrew Garfield “The Amazing Spider-Man,”Tom Holland and “Spider-Man: No Way Home.”

Columbia Pictures; Columbia Pictures; Sony Pictures

Holland, who was first seen as Peter Parker/Spider-Man during 2016’s “Captain America: Civil War,”According to Garfield, he asked his best friends Zendaya (MJ), Batalon (Ned Leeds), to help him when he met Maguire and Garfield.

“At our first rehearsal, I had asked Zendaya and Jacob to come with me and be there as my support system,”He said. “Like ‘I’m going to meet these guys, I’m really nervous about it, we have to read the scene and I don’t know how it’s going to go because we’re all playing the same character and we all have to bring our own heart and soul into this and it means a lot to them and it means a lot to me.'”

Tom Holland as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in "Spider-Man: No Way Home."

Tom Holland plays Peter Parker/Spider-Man “Spider-Man: No Way Home.”

Matt Kennedy/Sony/Marvel Studios

Before Jon Watts was released “No Way Home”Holland mentioned on December 17 his experiences on set with Maguire and Garfield as well as the returning actors who have portrayed villains in previous iterations. He hid details in interviews to keep the interviewers from spoiling any specifics.

Interview with Den of GeekHolland, Zendaya, Batalon discussed working with returning Marvel stars like Willem Dafoe in Norman Osborn’s trilogy and Alfred Molina in Doc Ock. “Spider-Man 2”).

“It was crazy,” Zendaya said. “Unreal. In fact, there were days when Tom would ask us to come in, just as emotional support, because it’s a crazy thing.”

“That one day that we can’t talk about, when you guys came in, it made me feel very comfortable,”Holland spoke. “It was like you were my cheerleaders.”

“There were a lot of heavy hitters, for sure,” Batalon said.

Tom Holland as Spider-Man in "Spider-Man: No Way Home."

Tom Holland portrays Spider-Man “Spider-Man: No Way Home.”

Sony Pictures Entertainment

Interview with Entertainment WeeklyZendaya shared that she and Batalon were reminiscent of Holland’s parental figures.

“A special moment for me was us being your parents and coming with you to set to play with the big kids, the big villains,” Zendaya said. “We were like, ‘Good job, sweetie. You’re doing a good job.’ I was taking pictures.”

“They are villains we grew up with, it’s intimidating so we had to be there for your first day,”She added.


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