

You might find some questions that are too hard to answer.

Here are some things that will make you grin in frustration.

1. If God existed and revealed himself to us, would we accept God as God if God is real?


2. What existed before the Big Bang?

3. Why do cats purr so much?


4. What’s the point of death?

5. Why does men experience menopause, while women experience it?

6. What lies beneath the ocean’s bottom?

7. Why is there any?

8. Why do banks charge you for ‘insufficient funds’ when you don’t have enough money on your account to pay it?


9. If everything in the universe – including atoms and particles stop moving, does time stop? Is time still possible even though everything is frozen?

10. How can you tell if you exist?

11. What makes us human


12. What is beyond the universe expanding? What happens to the universe when there is nothing else?

13. How do grains of sand turn into a heap of sand over time?


14. If God is real, how can God create a stone God can’t lift?

15. Why wait till night to “call it a day?”

16. Is it inevitable that we age?


17. What is the mechanism of turbulence?

18. What is the cause of hypnic jerks


19. How can memories be stored and retrieved?

20. Why dream?

You’re welcome.

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