TikTok Resin Art Facing Backlash over Environmental and Safety Concerns


TikTok Resin Art Facing Backlash over Environmental and Safety Concerns

  • TikTok has seen hundreds of millions of people view resin art.
  • A group of however, “anti-resin”TikTokers raise potential safety concerns and environmental concerns.
  • Experts explain why resin-art may cause more harm than good.

TikTok has seen a surge in interest in home-made resin products, with tags such as #resinbusiness attracting 105.6 million views and #resinartist attracting 782.7 million respectively.

These videos show how liquid resin is mixed with colors and poured into molds to make shapes. pyramids, TraysYou can also call it: CoastersYou can add decorative items such string lights, glitter, dried flowers and other accessories to your resin-cured product.

A growing backlash against the trend suggests it may be doing more harm that good. TikToks under the tag #antiresin — where users complain about resin art’s environmental impact, potential safety concerns, and lack of artistic merit — have been viewed by nearly half a million people.

Insider spoke with experts to find out the backlash against resin art’s popularity on TikTok.

Resin products can be hazardous to the environment

One of the major concerns is the possible environmental impact of resin art.

When cured (or “hardened”) resin It doesn’t have the exact same degree of toxicologyClaire Potter, senior lecturer at the University of Sussex and course convenor of product development, stated that uncured resin can also have environmental consequences.

The majority of resins, including epoxy resin, are available in the following formats: “chemically based,”She added that they are “hugely damaging for the environment if they get into our waterways via our sinks.”

She continued, “Alternatives do exist, and bio-based resins are often non-toxic and have a far less environmental impact.”

Some TikTokersBiodegradable resins are being used in place of the more commonly used epoxy resin to create similar products. Although the #bioresin hashtag on TikTok has been viewed 2.2 million times, that’s only a fraction compared to the 1.6 billion #epoxyresin videos.

It is important to be aware of epoxy resin makers “that they are making items that will only be fit for the bin when they reach the end of their life — they cannot be recycled,”Potter warned.

Resin art poses safety and health concerns.

The following process is used to harden epoxy resin: “curing,”This involves adding another substance to the mixture. Uncured liquid epoxy resin can be used. “highly irritant to the skin,”According to Dr. Ezgi Ozcan, a YouTuber who is also a junior doctor in London, UK.

“Contact with the skin without the correct protective equipment can lead to dermatitis (inflammation of the skin). Repeated exposure can sensitize the body leading to allergic reactions,”Insider received a statement from Dr. Ozcan.

When inhaled, the same reaction can occur in the airways leading to irritation,”She also added. According to the California Department of Public HealthInhaling chemicals from uncured epoxy resin, or any of the solvents used in its curing, can cause irritation to the lungs and even lead to the development of lung disease.



Multiple resin Sellers have shared TikToks showing skin inflammation and allergic reactions which they said was a result of coming into direct contact with resin.

Industries Craft resin suppliersAlthough the instructions for proper ventilation and protective equipment are provided, many TikTokers post videos that appear to be making resin art with no proper precautions.

TikToker shared this video with YouTuber She Lyons TikTokShe said last year that she didn’t realize “how toxic”She was able to cure resin in six months with no protective equipment and she was admitted to the hospital.

A follow-up YouTube video is availableLyons claimed that she experienced skin reactions and swelling as a result of an allergic reaction to resin. She also had breathing issues due to the fact that the resin was not being ventilated.

“Please protect yourself,”Lyons stated this in the video. “Nothing is worth damaging your health.”

Some TikTokers argue that resin doesn’t need the artistic skills creators suggest.

The song “It Costs That Much”This video was uploaded to YouTube in July by Woah Dude, an artist. This video explains why artists’ work is more expensive than mass-produced goods. The lyrics explain their art. “costs that much ‘cos it takes me fucking hours” “took me years to master.”

It is now used frequently by artists and small business owners across TikTok. There are 24,600 videos that currently feature the original audio but various CreatorsWe have used resin TikTokers for many times.

Charmain is a TikTok user. Version parodThe song. She substituted the chorus with the lyrics “nobody wants to buy your shitty resin.”

Charmain told Insider that she did the parody because it was funny. “sudden explosion of people buying pre-made molds on Amazon and creating items from resin which is neither recyclable nor biodegradable,”Original sound “had essentially been hijacked”They will be grateful.

The sound was amazing “hit and miss”Charmain shared Insider’s story with TikTokers. “There are a huge number of people agreeing with my sentiment, but also a lot of resin makers who weren’t happy,”She said.

You can find more stories like these from Insider’s Digital Culture Team here.


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