‘Li’l Abner’ actor passes away one day after 90th birthday as family says ‘we knew this was coming’


PETER Palmar, a former Broadway star and “Li’l Abner” actor, died on Wednesday – a day after his 90th birthday.

In a Facebook post announcing the actor’s death, Palmar’s family said “we knew this was coming.”

Former Broadway star Peter Palmar passed away on Wednesday


Former Broadway star Peter Palmar passed away on WednesdayCredit: Everett Collection

“As a family we knew this was coming and that’s why we had such a wonderful celebration of his birthday this weekend,” Palmer’s son Steven wrote.

“He enjoyed being celebrated by his children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews and friends and extended family. Gonna miss you, Pops.”

Palmer, who was a music major while playing football at the University of Illinois in early 1950s, often performed the National Anthem prior to home games.

The 6-foot-3, 250-pound star of football won a singing competition while serving in the US Army.

The reward was an appearance on CBS’ The Ed Sullivan Show, where he sang “Granada.”

In 1956, Palmer was cast in the title role of the musical Li’l Abner, for which he won a Theatre World Award.

He was again cast in the movie version of the same role in 1959.

He made a guest appearance on The Ford Show in the Li’l Abner role.

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