Biden reportedly called Trump a ‘f**king a**hole’ for leaving his golf ‘toys’ at the White House


Biden reportedly called Trump a ‘f**king a**hole’ for leaving his golf ‘toys’ at the White House

If you moved in to a new place only to find the last owner had left his rubbish everywhere, then I think you too would have a few colourful words to throw their way.

Well, according to a new book byWashington Postjournalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, titledPeril, Biden had a particularly strong response to Trump leaving his “golf toys” in the White House.

“Trump’s existence permeated the [building], even the residence. Biden entered a space where a giant video screen covered the wall one night.

“To relax, Trump used to upload programs to virtually play the world’s most famous golf courses.

“’What a f**king a**hole,’ Biden once said as he surveyed the former president’s toys,” an excerpt of the book,shared by ABC News, reads.

If true, it’s a comment which shows the attitude Biden has towards the former president. The reporters also claim that Biden and his advisors “hated to utter Trump’s name”, referring to it as “the ‘T’ word”.

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He wasn’t the only one to call Trump an ‘a**hole’ either, according to the book, asBusiness Insiderreported that former US attorney general William Barr told the former Potus that suburban voters think he’s “an asshole”.

Another claim made by Woodward and Costa is that Trump wanted to paint his private jet in red, white and blue like Air Force One as a way of “taunting” Biden.

During a session of golf – because, of course – Trump supposedly said: “The American people love that plane. I am thinking of getting it repainted red, white and blue – like Air Force One, the way I think Air Force One should look.”

Good to know that the feeling is very much mutual between the two presidents…


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