5 Quick and Easy Tricks to Keep Your Home Clean in Under 10 Minutes – Cleaning Expert Reveals Top Secrets!


5 Easy Jobs to Keep Your Home Tidy and Guest-Ready at All Times

When unexpected guests are on their way, the panic of a messy home sets in. We all know the feeling of scrambling to make the house look presentable. But what if there were simple tasks you could do to keep your home tidy and visitor-ready at all times? Here are five easy jobs shared by a cleaning professional to help you stay on top of the cleaning game.

1. Make Your Bed Every Morning

Starting in the bedroom, the first step is to make your bed each morning. Not only does this instantly make your room look more organized, but it also sets a productive tone for the day. According to professional cleaner Melissa Caverly, making your bed in the morning puts you in an organized mindset that can influence the rest of your day. Additionally, a well-made bed can serve as a practical surface for various tidying activities throughout the day, such as folding laundry or organizing belongings.

2. Organize Cleaning Supplies by Room

One of the reasons cleaning can be a hassle is having to track down the necessary cleaning products. To streamline the cleaning process, consider storing cleaning supplies in the rooms where they are most needed. For instance, keep bathroom cleaning supplies in the bathroom and kitchen cleaning supplies in the kitchen. This way, you can easily access the required products without having to make multiple trips around the house.

3. Utilize Storage Bins for Essential Cleaning Items

For efficient access to cleaning essentials, consider using storage bins placed strategically around the house. Store items like dusters, window cleaners, and other necessary tools in bins under the bed or in designated areas. This setup promotes frequent cleaning since you won’t waste time searching for supplies when minor messes occur, especially in specific rooms like the bedroom.

4. Monthly Decluttering Trips to Charity Shops

To maintain a clean and clutter-free home, set aside ten minutes each month for decluttering. Take a quick tour of your living space, identify clutter, and dispose of unwanted items in a donation box or rubbish bag. At the end of the month, donate the items collected during the decluttering sessions. By incorporating this routine into your schedule, you can keep your home organized without the need for extensive clearing sessions.

5. Implement a “Kitchen Close-Down” Routine

Since the kitchen is often the central gathering spot in a household, it can quickly become messy. To prevent kitchen chaos, adopt a “kitchen close-down” routine similar to restaurant practices. At the end of each day, ensure all dishes are either in the dishwasher, drying rack, or cabinets—not left in the sink. By treating your kitchen like a professional space, you can maintain cleanliness and organization effortlessly.

In Conclusion

Maintaining a clean and tidy home doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By incorporating these five simple jobs into your daily routine, you can ensure your home is always guest-ready and visually appealing. From making your bed every morning to organizing cleaning supplies by room, these easy tasks can help you stay on top of cleaning and decluttering without overwhelming yourself. Start implementing these practices today, and enjoy a consistently tidy living space that’s ready for unexpected visitors at any time.


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