Uncover the Dark Romance: The Empire Strikes Back Trailer Reveals Creepy Star Wars Love Story


Title: The Creepy Star Wars Kiss That Almost Happened

In the original “Empire Strikes Back” scene, Luke tries to confess his feelings for Leia, only to be interrupted by R2-D2 and C-3PO (played by Anthony Daniels). Unlike the romantic kiss that made it to the final movie, the deleted scene was portrayed as genuine. It would have added a layer of suspense with a “will they, won’t they” dynamic among the trio, making Leia and Han Solo’s relationship even more peculiar. Fortunately, the idea of a love triangle was eventually discarded.

The Original Plan for Luke and Leia
The deleted scene and the final kissing moment may seem innocent, especially since George Lucas initially did not envision Luke and Leia as siblings. During a Sci-Fi Expo in Plano, Texas in 1999, former franchise producer Gary Kurtz disclosed (via The Force.net) that the original plan was for Luke to have a separate sister character located across the galaxy from Leia. However, as work progressed on “Return of the Jedi,” it became apparent that it would be more convenient for Luke and Leia to be siblings, providing a means to conclude the trilogy and enhance the emotional intensity of the series finale.

The Awkward Kiss
While the kisses between Luke and Leia are undeniably unsettling, it is worth mentioning that they never share another kiss once their true relationship as siblings is revealed. Following the events of the original trilogy, Leia establishes a romantic connection with Han Solo, leaving the awkward kiss between Luke and Leia as a standout moment in “Star Wars” history, but for all the wrong reasons.


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