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The Perfect Temperatures for Food and Drinks Revealed

Are you serving your food and drinks at the ideal temperature? If you want to enhance the taste and overall experience of your favorite treats, it’s essential to know the optimal serving temps. Here’s a science-backed guide to help you enjoy every bite and sip to the fullest.

Chocolate: Tasting the Sweetness at 18C

According to food scientist Natalie Alibrandi, storing chocolate in the fridge isn’t ideal. The best way to keep its texture and flavor intact is to store it at 18C in a cool, dry place. Say goodbye to oxidation, sugar bloom, and unpleasant odors by following this simple storage tip.

Unlocking the Flavors of Cheese on Toast at 115C

When it comes to making the perfect cheese on toast, precision is key. The Royal Society of Chemistry and the British Cheese Board recommend using 50g of hard, sliced cheese on a 1cm-thick slice of bread. Grill the masterpiece at 115C for four minutes to achieve that delightful cheesy goodness.

Savoring the Comfort of Gravy at 69C

University College London’s Professor Mark Miodownik suggests serving gravy at 69C for the ultimate roast-dinner experience. Stir it for precisely two and a half minutes over a high heat to reach the perfect consistency and temperature.

The Art of Brewing the Ultimate Cup of Tea at 60C

According to eggheads at Northumbria University, the optimal drinking temperature for tea is 60C. Make sure to let your cuppa brew for six minutes before indulging. After 17 minutes and 30 seconds at room temperature, the tea might lose its best flavors, so enjoy it while it’s at its peak.

Indulging in the Warmth of Soup between 57C and 72C

The Journal of Food Science recommends serving soup between 57C and 72C for a comforting experience without the risk of burning your tongue. Heat it up over a high flame for up to five minutes to reach the perfect temperature for a delicious bowl of goodness.

Ensuring Ice Cream Scoopability at -10 to -12C

Experts suggest serving ice cream at -10 to -12C for the best taste and optimal “scoopability.” Allow it to sit at room temperature for three to four minutes to soften before serving. Say goodbye to rock-solid ice cream and hello to creamy desserts.

Perfecting the Martini at -4C

For martini lovers, the Diageo Bar Academy recommends serving this classic cocktail at -4C. Shake your measures of gin and vermouth over ice for 15 seconds to achieve that crisp, chilled martini experience.

The Ultimate Coffee Experience at 60C to 70C

Most coffee experts agree that flat whites, lattes, and cappuccinos should be served at a temperature between 60C and 70C. Boil the water and milk, then let them stand for five minutes before pouring into your favorite cup.

Conclusion: Elevating Your Dining Experience with the Perfect Temperatures

From chocolate storage to coffee serving, mastering the art of perfect temperatures can enhance your culinary adventures. By following these science-backed guidelines, you can enjoy every bite and sip at its absolute best. Say goodbye to lukewarm drinks and half-cold dishes – it’s time to elevate your dining experience to a whole new level.


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