Score Your Dream Designer Wedding Gown for Cheap with No Worries About Alterations – My Thrift Haul Success Story!


Unbelievable Find: Woman Snags $1,500 Wedding Dress for Just $70

A Bargain shopper recently made headlines when she shared the incredible deal she scored on her dream wedding gown. Redditor Butterflygirl1980 posted about her thrift find that left many in awe.

The Thrift Store Discovery

Butterflygirl1980 had plans to go dress shopping with her mom, but those plans quickly changed after she stumbled upon a $1,500 Oleg Cassini floor-length wedding gown at a thrift store. The best part? She only had to pay $70 for it.

A Steal That Needed Alterations

While the dress was a perfect fit for her budget, it was a bit too large for her in its original state. However, the price was so irresistible that she didn’t hesitate to invest in alterations.

The Reaction

Viewers were amazed by her find, with many praising the dress’s beauty and quality. Some even questioned if the dress was truly valued at $1,500 due to its exquisite design.

Future Plans

Butterflygirl1980’s openness to sell or donate the dress after her wedding sparked interest among potential buyers. She expressed her willingness to part ways with it at a low price to pay it forward.

The Alteration Journey Begins

As Butterflygirl1980 planned for alterations, many suggested including her mom in the process to maintain that special mother-daughter bond associated with wedding preparations.

The Thrifted Success Continues

Her find didn’t stop at the wedding gown. She also scored a $150 Macy’s reception dress for just $5, showcasing her knack for finding stunning bargains.

A Bride’s Bargain Bonanza

With her wedding dress sorted, Butterflygirl1980’s attention turned to finding the perfect veil to complement her gown. Her budget-friendly approach to wedding planning proved to be a huge success.

A Tale of Thrifted Treasures

Overall, Butterflygirl1980’s story is a testament to the hidden treasures that can be found in thrift stores. Her unbeatable bargains have not only saved her money but have also added a unique touch to her wedding preparations.


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