Terrifying Encounter: Man Tries to Contact Son Through Amazon Toy – A Parent’s Worst Nightmare!


Dangerous Toy Alert: Mum Terrified After Man Contacts Son Through Walkie Talkie

A mum has been left terrified after a grown man started trying to contact her son through a kids’ toy. Kelly Media Enos, a gentle parenting pro and mum-of-two, took to social media urging parents not to make her mistake.

The Terrifying Encounter

She had purchased the toy for her eldest son, George, aged four, and has since got rid of it. At first, the mum was lying in bed and could hear a grown man talking, so she decided to check the ring doorbell. George was asleep at the time, but she and her partner were left baffled by where the voices were coming from.

The Startling Discovery

“We could quite clearly hear somebody talking,” she explained. “We were like, alright, maybe somebody just having, like, a conversation. Walked back from the pub or something, and they’re outside the front of our house having a chat. Looks on the ring doorbell, nobody there, looked on the ring doorbell inside our house, nothing there.”

The Unsettling Truth

Kelly then realized that she and George were playing with the walkie talkie set she had bought him, and one was still turned on. The mum found out that the toy, a set of blue walkie talkies she had purchased from Amazon, was where the man’s voice was coming from.

The Chilling Encounter

“What was coming from the walkie talkie was a fully grown man saying, ‘Hello? Are you there? Hello, mummy,'” she revealed. Kelly was left terrified and instantly turned the toy off. She then did some research and found out that anybody could get on the same frequency to talk through the walkie talkies.

A Warning to Parents

“Please don’t make the same mistake that I have,” she told parents as she apologized for sharing a link to the toy in a previous post. Kelly emphasized, “Basically, they aren’t a safe child’s toy in my opinion. I’m so sorry again that I didn’t make myself more aware of the risks that come with them.”

The Viral Response

The clip posted to Kelly’s TikTok account @kellymedinaenos has since gone viral with over 800k views and 46k likes. Parents were quick to take to the comments, thanking Kelly for her advice and sharing their own stories of the kids’ toy.

Safety Tips for Buying Toys Online

Here are the British Toy and Hobby Association’s top tips for buying toys online:
1. Shop early: Don’t leave purchases to the last-minute rush, which might leave you with fewer options of where to buy from.
2. Check out third-party sellers: Look for sellers you recognize and trust. Be cautious of retailers you don’t know and do your research, checking reviews and where they’re based.
3. Go for branded toys: Choose a branded toy, so you can compare it to the manufacturer’s website to check if it’s legit.
4. Be wary of the cheapest price: If something looks too good to be true, it probably is.
5. Check for age restrictions: Give suitable toys to children based on their age.
6. Evaluate reviews carefully: Look out for fake reviews and examine comments.
7. Supervise initially: Stay with children when they open a new toy and check for faults, detachable small parts, access to stuffing, and loose or accessible batteries or magnets.

Stay safe while purchasing toys online!

The Impactful Warning

As more parents shared their experiences with similar toys, the importance of toy safety became even more evident. It’s crucial to be aware of potential risks and to prioritize child safety above all else.

Share Your Experiences

Have you encountered a similar situation with children’s toys? Your stories could help raise awareness and prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. Let’s keep our children safe and secure from potential dangers hidden in innocent-looking toys.


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