My Husband’s Ex’s Health Drama: How She Dominates Our Lives


My Husband’s Ex-Wife Is Using Her Health Condition To Manipulate Us

One woman had to navigate her husband’s past relationship that was intertwined with their present one because of the children born from the previous bond. The ex-wife manipulated her former husband, trying to get the same benefits she got while they were married until the current spouse spoke up!

###Navigating a Complex Relationship

For a 32-year-old woman married to a 40-year-old man, the challenges of a union with someone who was once married and shares two children were evident. Things took an unexpected turn when the original poster’s (OP) husband’s ex-wife began using her health condition as a means to remain central in their lives.

####Unfolding Manipulation Due to Illness

Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) a year ago, the ex-wife’s condition became a battleground of sympathy, manipulation, and unspoken expectations. The married woman recounted:

“She’s been unwell lately, not managing her health effectively and has been using her condition to collect sympathy points from my husband.”

####Setting Boundaries Amidst Emotional Toll

The ex-wife’s requests ranged from expecting OP’s husband to be there to attend doctor’s appointments to suggesting she sell her house to build a tiny home for herself and her two children on the property – a proposal that left the Redditor flabbergasted.

####Asserting Personal Independence and Security

“I couldn’t understand why I needed to sell my house to accommodate her,” she said, voicing a sentiment many can empathize with. The suggestion threatened her sense of security and her plans for the future, with her firmly stating:

“My house was an investment that I plan to one day pass it on to my child as an asset.”

####Standing Up Against Manipulation

After getting some advice from readers, OP spoke to her husband and called him out for his lack of support. He explained his fears of not being allowed to see his children again, as his ex-wife had threatened to keep them away from him.

####Confronting Deception and Gaslighting

OP demanded he call his ex-wife, who happens to have a boyfriend, and put her in her place. The husband obliged and told his ex he wasn’t going to be a placeholder for her boyfriend and urged her to stop trying to manipulate everyone.

####Drawing Boundaries and Prioritizing Peace

The woman reacted by calling OP insecure, blaming her for interfering with her and her ex-husband’s “healthy” co-parenting relationship. She accused the Redditor of being immature and young and insisted that the children should be considered.

####Navigating Family Dynamics

OP’s situation is a sentiment that resonates with many who find themselves in similar situations, where the past refuses to stay in the background, and the present demands a reassertion of self. Her story offers readers a glimpse into the emotional and ethical dilemmas many in blended families face. It underscores the importance of communication, boundaries, and the courage to prioritize one’s peace and stability in the face of challenging dynamics.

If you enjoyed that story, click here to read about that manipulative ex-wife, then you’ll love this one about an ex-husband who had to put his foot down when his ex tried using their children for an ulterior motive.


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