Billions of gadget users warned to never make two searches after ‘virtual parasite’ that hijacks your device discovered


EXPERTS are warning about a malicious software that could infect devices and steal personal information.

Cybersecurity experts at AT&T Alien Labs found that threat actors have been using malware to conduct illicit activity.

Experts have warned about a malware that can infect your devices


The experts have alerted you to a new malware which can affect your devicesCredit: Getty

“In the constantly evolving landscape of cyber threats, malicious actors continuously find new and ingenious ways to exploit technology for their own gain,” AT&T Alien Labs said.

Alien Labs observed that malware makers are increasingly using proxy software as their preferred tool.

Malware is a malicious file or code that can infect your phone or computer.

You can be attacked by malicious applications, emails containing compromised information, and insecure WiFi networks.

AdLoad was the name of this specific malware discovered by experts in cybersecurity for the first time in 2017.

The virus is not just a threat to operating systems, but it can also evade third-party anti-virus programs as well as security software.

The malware also does a great job of preventing the victim from uninstalling the program.

“The pervasive nature of AdLoad potentially infecting thousands of devices worldwide — indicates that users of MacOS devices are a lucrative target for the adversaries behind this malware and are being tricked to download and install unwanted applications,” the company said.

How does it work?

AdLoad is spread by a kind of compromise that happens when you drive past, explained experts.

Basically, it hijacks users’ traffic and inserts ads and promotions into webpages and search results.

It does this by redirecting the traffic through the adware operators’ servers.

The two most popular searches are “cracked games and software”

“Different malware strains are delivering the proxy – relying on users looking for interesting things,” AT&T Alien Labs said.

How to Stay Safe

It’s essential to keep the software on your device up-to-date.

Even if you do install apps, make sure to research them first.

It is best to avoid downloading anything suspicious-looking or from popup windows.

Installing an antivirus program on your computer will allow it to scan the device for malware.


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