Are you able to get lice on your eyelashes


Are you able to get lice on your eyelashes

According to Cleveland ClinicInfestations of lice are common, and can affect anywhere from 6 to 12 millions people annually. Although lice are common, it is not always easy to recognize them. Lice can be found in a variety of places, including the bathroom. 2009 studyA woman suffering from itching in her eyes was found to have either lid eczema, or blepharitis. The examination revealed that the woman had several lice in her eyes and nits attached to her eyelashes. It turned out that the lice were pubic lice, which was likely to have been transmitted by hand contact to the area of the genital region, and not head lice. This is how most eyelash lice are transmitted, according to the study.

There are several ways to treat lice. You can trim hair, remove the lice or nits mechanically, or use various drops, gels, shampoos, and creams to eradicate them. The infestation was eliminated using pilocarpine 44% drops.

Similar results can be found in 2015 study,a man with itchy and irritated eyes was examined for diagnosis. His eyelashes were found to be infested and nit-ridden by observers. While he suffered from blepharoconjunctivitis, it was actually from the lice rather than the more common bacterial, viral or allergic causes of the condition. It was also found that his lice had been transmitted from his pubic area to the eyes. While the man was successfully treated, his study demonstrates the importance of getting checked — as lice can travel to the eyes and be easily misdiagnosed.


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