I had the most amazing experience of meeting my long-lost brother.


A MAN contacted his brother, who was shocked to discover that they had led identical lives.

Kevin Harvey, 63 years old, purchased an AncestryDNA Kit that led him to Roy Bray (65), in August 2021.

Kevin Harvey was reunited with his long-lost brother Roy Bray and found out they'd lived identical lives


Kevin Harvey met his brother Roy Bray, and was reunited. They discovered they’d had identical lives.Credit: Caters

They were adopted from birth and found they had been at the same children’s home as tots without social services connecting them.

Both men applied to be part of the same Army Base.

They worked for Securicor in the ’90s, and as postmen from the early 2000s.

Kevin, of Wolverhampton, said: “It’s surreal and the best thing to happen to me.

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“We find out new things every day.”

Roy, of Hull, had been looking since the 1990s and said: “When I got his message about our birth mum I was in shock.

“Now we’re catching up on the lost time.”

They also discovered they had two brothers and a sister in America.

Kevin added: “I then found out from speaking to Roy that I also have two other brothers and a sister too.

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“I thought I was an only child as I was adopted since birth but my daughter knew I always wanted to do a test.

“I’ve met my brother a few times now and finding out about my mother was so interesting as I never knew anything about her, I had never even seen a photo of her it was unbelievable to see.”

Kevin said of meeting Roy: 'It’s surreal and the best thing to happen to me'


Kevin said of meeting Roy: ‘It’s surreal and the best thing to happen to me’Credit: Caters


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