Scott Peterson to be given a new trial Lawyers Argue That a Juror Was Not Disclosed Bias


Scott Peterson was sentenced to 20 years for the murder of his unborn baby and his pregnant wife.

The 49-year old prisoner laughed and made notes during the California proceedings.

The juror at the center of the misconduct claims is Richelle Nice, who gained media attention during the trial for having bright red hair and wearing colorful outfits.

“We wanted to see it all the way through to the end,”Nice spoke out after the verdict.

A shocking twist was that Nice became pen pals while in prison with the convicted killer. The puzzling relationship was discussed by Nice to Inside Edition in 2006.

“I know it all sounds crazy, because I’m one of the ones who put him away. He wanted to know how I was doing and how the trial affected me,”Nice words.

Peterson claims that Nice said she was once beaten by her boyfriend while she was pregnant in one of the letters. Peterson’s attorney says Nice failed to disclose this before the trial and claims it proves she had bias in the case — an allegation Nice denies.

Nice was seen at the courthouse earlier in this year.

The judge will have 90 days to decide whether Peterson will receive a new trial.


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