Top 5 programming languages to learn


In the age of high technologies, javascript development and artificial intelligence, a programmer is one of the most demanded professions. But which profile should you choose for a successful start? It’s pointless to argue which language is better. Each has its own characteristics, scope and solves its own problems. Let’s designate TOP-5 from the point of view of the prospects of language learning.

Popularity indices / ratings

Now in the world there are several hundred programming languages, 3-4 dozen are massively used. There are several authoritative international rankings (indices) reflecting the dynamics of the demand for languages, interest in them:

PYPL – popularity rating according to Google data;

TIOBE – an index based on data from search engines Bing, Google, Yahoo;

Stack Overflow – a ranking based on the number of questions by language;

GitHub reflects the use of programming languages ​​in repositories (repositories);

IEEE Spectrum is a comprehensive ranking that takes into account 11 parameters from 8 sources, including Google, Twitter, GitHub, Stack Overflow, Career Builder, Reddit, IEEE Job Site.

#5: C#

An object-oriented language based on the .NET platform, developed by Microsoft. Used for software development: business software, web services, mobile applications, games.

Prospects for the development of C# are associated with the expansion of the platform’s functionality and the transition from the Windows-oriented .NET Framework to the cross-platform .NET.Core. Now the language is interesting not only for Windows developers, but also for Linux, Mac OS, Android, iOS specialists.

C# is considered relatively easy to learn, understandable, and suitable for beginners. It is similar in syntax to Java and C ++. The initial training course (usually online) lasts from 1 to 6 months.

#4: Python

Scripting universal language. It has a very wide range of applications: programs for robots, drones, applications for PCs and mobile devices, web development and analytics. Python is the leader in many popularity ratings (including PYPL, IEEE Spectrum). It is very popular.

The syntax is rather unusual, but very rational, not complicated by cumbersome constructions.

The demand for the language today and in the foreseeable future is beyond doubt. It may not be a demand leader, but there is enough work for Python programmers. 

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#3: PHP

It is a scripting programming language. It is used in the field of web development (backend). Most sites (up to 80%) use PHP to implement their functionality.

The language is good for developing templates and universal platforms, modules. Therefore, the most popular CMS (Joomla, WordPress) are based on it. Professional communities, libraries, educational materials – all this is available in huge quantities when it comes to PHP.

The syntax is not particularly complicated. You can learn programming both in an educational institution and on your own. Fortunately, there are more than enough convenient, practical materials for this.

#2: Java

A strongly typed object-oriented language. Can be used on any platform using the Java Virtual Machine. Versatile enough. With its help, you can write desktop programs, games, mobile applications.

There are many frameworks in Java, but they are cumbersome and insufficiently powerful, like the language itself. It is not very suitable for cloud computing. At one time (in the late 90s) Java ousted C ++ from the market, and now it itself has somewhat yielded its positions to its young ambitious brothers. However, it remains relevant, and developments are underway to improve performance. 

The language is easy to learn. The developments on it are very extensive. There are enough teaching materials.

#1: JavaScript

The leader of our rating is a scripting language that supports both functional and object-oriented methods. It’s hard to imagine a web interface that can do without Javascript.

Frontend specialists use the language and its libraries / frameworks everywhere and regularly. Among the latter, the most common are Angular, Ext, React, Vue, Ember, Socket. Javascript was originally just a bonus for HTML / CSS. Over time, it became a powerful tool for web developers, spreading the sphere of influence to related areas.

Learning the language is considered easy, and the logic of work is clear even for beginners. The syntax borrows a lot from C. The most effective method of learning is online courses with practice. It is possible to become a specialist in 6-12 months. Knowledge of HTML / CSS is also required.


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