So When will the Autumn 2021 Begin?


TEMPERATURES are tumbling, and the nights are drawing in, which means Autumn is here.

When is the change in season? Here’s everything you need about the autumnal eclipse.

There are two autumn start dates depending on which definition you are referring to

There are two autumn start dates depending on which definition you are referring to

When does Autumn 2021 start?

There are two possible start dates for Autumn: one that uses the meteorological system and one that uses the astronomical.

The first divides the Gregorian year into four seasons that last three months each.

March to May is spring, June to August summer, and September to November autumn. December to February winter.

The astronomical definition is another way to look at seasons. It is defined by the earth’s axis, its orbit around the sun, and is slightly more complicated.

This method officially marks the beginning of Autumn 2021, three weeks after September.

It doesn’t matter which method you choose, summer is over, or you have a few more weeks to enjoy it.

The start of fall is typically celebrated with hundreds of brave Brits stripping off to participate in a huge skinny-dipping session, usually in the chilly North Sea on Sunday.

On Sunday, hundreds gathered on Druridge Bay in Northumberland to enjoy a naked frolic on September 19, 202the the North Sea at dawn during the 2021 North East Skinny Dip. This event celebrated the arrival on Wednesday of the autumnal equinox.

Others will celebrate by balancing an egg, thanks to the untrue urban legend that the equinox is the only day when egg balancing is possible.

What are the meteorological or astronomical dates?

The meteorological season defines Autumn as a period that begins in September and continues until November 30.

The start date of astronomical dates runs slightly later. They run from Wednesday, September 22, to Tuesday, December 21, in 2021.

This will shift slightly to September 23, 2022, and December 21, 2022.

What happens at the autumn equinox

Solstices and the equinoxes mark the astronomical cycle of the earth.

There are two spring and one autumn equinox, while there are two solstices in the summer and winter.

The earth’s elliptical orbit around the sun means that these dates can’t be fixed. However, it does mean that the sun is most distant from early July and closest to early January.

This is why the days are longer, and temperatures are higher at certain times of the year.

When the sun crosses the celestial-equator equator on the autumn equinox (about 12 hours), days and nights are about equal length.

The night becomes more prolonged and more frequent until the spring equinox when the opposite happens.

Notable full moons occur over Autumn. The Harvest Moon, which graced our skies on September 20, 2020, is the latest.

Autumn 2021 either begins on September 1 or September 22

Autumn 2021 either begins on September 1 or September 22

When is winter 2021?

The definition of the first day in winter, like Autumn, depends on whether you’re referring to meteorological or astronomical winter.

The 2021 astronomical winter starts on December 21 and ends on March 20, 2022.

Winter is defined by meteorology as a period that begins on December 1 and continues until February 28/29.