Loki was created in a new timeline after the Avengers: Endgame, set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, shares continuity with the films of the franchise. On June 9, 2021, the first episode of the very first season of Loki was released and so far we have been able to savour 3 episodes titled ‘Glorious Purpose’, ‘The Variant’ and ‘ Lamentis’ respectively. Now we know the fans are eagerly waiting for the fourth episode to premiere so here are all the details.
Loki Episode 4 Premiere Date and Time
Loki Episode 4 will premiere on Disney+ on June 30 at
12 AM PT: US
5 PM AEST: Australia
Loki Episode 4 Release Date and Time in India:
Indians will be able to watch the fourth season comfortably as it releases on June 30, 2021, at 12:30 PM IST. Unlike the odd timing of the release in the USA, Indian fans will be able to watch it during the day.
Loki Episode 4 Runtime:
The first 2 episodes ran for more than 50 minutes while the 3rd episode wrapped within 45 minutes so we assume the duration of the fourth episode will be between 40 to 50 minutes.
The finale of Loki will premiere on July 14, 2021