You’ve been doing your chores all wrong

It may seem as though we are always cleaning our homes.

You could be doing chores in a wrong way and there may be a quicker and more efficient way.


There’s an easier way to do your chores.

Deyan Dimitrov is actually the founder of LaundryheapAccording to him, we should get rid of our complex cleaning routines.

What’s the reason? The reason is that you don’t have time to scrub your home with tubs full products.


We would be surprised if you thought you had to scrub the grout. We’re sure you wouldn’t believe us.

You don’t need a toothbrush or hours of labor to make sparkling tiles. Instead, use hot soapy water and a large toothbrush.

“This method is great for dirty grout, as the brush will be able to scrub any dirt out, as opposed to having to take your time scrubbing in between lots of tiles which can usually take 30 minutes or more,” Deyan said.

Deyan also revealed that bleach is not necessary for bathroom services. You can clean your bathroom by simply using a mop, bucket and some disinfectant.

A cleaning professional at will also be able to help you avoid limescale buildup, which can make it difficult to chip away for hours. MyJobQuoteHeather Barrigan advised: “After using, dry off the bathroom tiles and taps with a microfibre fabric.

“This will slow down the build-up of limescale and reduce the need for scrubbing”.



It is one of the most difficult chores to get your oven clean again.

According to experts, it doesn’t need to be complicated and there is an easy and quick way to get it done.

Heather said that most ovens can be set to a self-cleaning, or pyrolytic, mode. This means the oven is set up to run a specific cycle or heated up.

“This basically burns the food and grease. All you have to do is follow the instructions.
Let it cool, then clean up any ashy residue. My advice is to check your manual first before spending hours trying to scrub it.”

If yours doesn’t, you can try this instead.

“Use a mixture of baking soda and hot water to clean your oven, this helps to remove stubborn stains and works at deodorizing your oven,” Dyan says.

“Use a warm, damp cloth to work the mixture in, leave for 5 minutes and rinse away with warm water. Make sure you rinse thoroughly to remove any residue before using the oven.”


Clean your microwave is easy with just water and lemon.

Mix the ingredients together in a bowl that is microwave-safe. Let it sit for a minute or so before turning on full power.

Then you should be able take a clean, dry cloth to wipe the mess up.

If you don’t have lemon though that’s ok as Heather says “you really only need the water.”

This is because “it’s the steam that loosens the food splatters and grease off.”

The same method can be used to boil water in a kettle with a few lemon slices.

Allow it to cool. The kettle should be clean and free from limescale.


“Don’t waste time trying to remove pet hairs from your sofa [or carpets]Heather explained that there are many vacuum attachments.

“Unless you have a really powerful machine, the fur won’t come out of the fabric.”

Heather suggests that you use a rubber glove to brush the hairs. Even the stubborn ones will fall off quickly.


It’s easy to accumulate laundry and you can take weeks to finish it all.

There are a few ways to reduce the time it takes to iron and wash clothes. They’re also very easy.

Funny thing is, washing your clothes more often will actually mean you spend less time doing them.

Deyan explains: “Do smaller loads on a quick setting. Do not wait for your washing to accumulate before you put it on a full washer. This can sometimes take up to three hours depending on how the machine is set up.), it’s much quicker to do half a load on a 45/30 minute set.

You will need to add some stain remover (such as a tablespoon of soda crystals to your detergent draw) but it will save you a lot of time compared to waiting for a full load.

Take some extra time to do the work and don’t bother with ironing.

He continued: “Use ice cubes in the tumble dryer if you don’t have time to iron. If you don’t have time to iron (or just hate doing it) then simply pop a few ice cubes in your tumble dryer with your creased clothing on a high setting.

The steam from the ice cubes will work to decrease your clothing and you can get on with other things whilst you wait! Be wary of which fabrics you use this on though, as wool, silk, lycra and viscose, won’t do well with this hack.

If you don’t have clothes or time, your tumbler can be used to quickly refresh worn clothes.

Simply enter your details. To refresh and deodorize your clothes, use a tumble dryer on a fast setting.

Another piece of cleaning news: An expert shares the most common mistakes that we make.

And you’ve been cleaning the house all wrong… and it’s giving you a stuffy nose, a nasty cough AND a dodgy tummy.

Plus a cleaning expert reveals the secret to removing stains from your carpet – all you need is one common toiletry.


Ironing can be eliminated by simply putting an ice cube in your tumble dryer


Do not spend hours cleaning the oven. You can have it sparkling in no time.
Cleaning expert shares her top tip for organizing your home faster than you might think.