Your Weekly Horoscope – The Lunar Eclipse Aftermath

The full Beaver Moon entered a 97% lunar shadow under Taurus late last week. This near-total eclipse lasts approximately three and a quarter hours. 

A lunar eclipse is significantly more powerful that a full moon. Additionally, we haven’t had a lunar eclipse like last week in 580 years. 

Needless to say, we’re all going to be reeling from the eclipse’s effects for a while. What will your reaction be to this transformational event? Find out by clicking your sign


March 20 – April 19

A fiery personality such as yours will cause some bridges and severing of friendships. Sometimes you’re holding the match; other times, you’re pouring the gasoline. Either way, be careful–there’s a difference between a controlled burn and flaming chaos. 

Nevertheless, it can be difficult to tell the difference between them because of past insults. You’ve let your guard down with those who, in turn, abuse the privilege of being close to you. While those moments hurt, they can’t dictate the rest of your life. 

You can reassess your relationships with the lunar eclipse. Are they struggling because they’re not working, or are you struggling to do the work? Commitment and vulnerability are the key ingredients to successful relationships. Aries, it may be time to begin rebuilding those bridges.


April 19 – May 20

You had to reflect on your life last week after the lunar eclipse. While you were doing this, Uranus was busy with Mars in a heated stand-off in your second ruling house. Suffice it to say; you’ve been feeling AllThe feelings. 

Just because you’re a homebody, that doesn’t mean you dislike being around all people. Rather, you dislike being around the wrong people—those who drain you of your emotions, sanity, and resources. 

You hate change. It can be difficult to identify and remove these people from your life. Mars will inspire you to tackle your problems head on. Uranus, on the other hand, encourages you to enjoy the freedom of being single (or at least selectively social).


May 20 – June 21

Even though you are a social butterfly, holidays can be your least favorite time of the year. It is important to remember that not all connections are fun, flirty, or skin-deep.

It’s likely that you know that somewhere deep down in your subconscious, it is there. It’s just a matter of putting in that extra work. At the end of the day, it’s worth it to be a part of something bigger than yourself.

As tempting as it might be to nitpick in the early hours of the week, you should avoid this urge. You’re likely projecting other problems onto a new argument, which is beneficial to no one. The love we have for family isn’t always the most logical, but that doesn’t make it less important.


June 21 – July 22

Still waters run the deepest, and you’re certainly no exception, Cancer. Despite your calm appearance, you’ve been swirling through an emotion-filled tornado—thanks in no small part to a lunar eclipse under a fixed sign last week. 

You are a cardinal sign. So, despite feeling the effects of a lunar eclipse tenfold, it wasn’t the boost of energy you originally expected. If you are passive aggressive in your close relationships, it can make you feel stuck and as though there is no way to resolve the problem. 

You might be aware of your tense emotions, but others aren’t. Utilize the lunar energy from the weekend’s full moon to speak up for yourself. Otherwise, these waters will stagnate.


July 22 – August 22

You’re used to things going your way. But even a diva like yourself knows that’s not always how it works, right? Sometimes, it takes more effort than we expected. Sure, it’s hard. But it isn’t impossible. Aside from that, when was the last time you were able to do it? NotDo you want to prove people wrong?!

Don’t let rocky relationships or career setbacks distract you from the proud lion that you are. A Mars-Mercury conjunction turns up the heat behind your ruling body, the Sun—use it to your advantage. Take control of your voice. Even better, roar. 

Great challenges can bring great rewards. Leo, you are as perfect as possible. No one can stay the same.


August 22 – September 22

Are the butterflies in your stomach coming from anxiety or anticipation? It can be difficult to tell when it is holiday season. It is almost begging for you to don your holiday clothes. “get-shit-done” cap, but there’s strength to be found in stillness. 

Your productivity depends on your ego. Your ability to impress others by your work ethic is not all that you have to offer. This holiday season, focus on what’s actually important: quality time, not showing off. 

This might make you feel like you’re on unsteady ground, but it’s only a transitional phase. You’ll be back to your go-getter self soon enough. Rest for now.


September 22 – October 23

You have been feeling more anxious about external conflicts this week. Your peacemaker nature is evident. You are extremely sensitive to the unrest in your immediate and distant community. These conflicts are internalized regardless of how heavy you can bear. 

While it’s true that your mediation skills are on point, that doesn’t mean you’re required to fix everyone’s problems. Setting healthy boundaries isn’t cruel. It’s the ultimate act of love. 

With this in mind, reflect on what problems you’ve been internalizing. Is a friend dumping drama on you? Are you stressed by the news? Don’t forget that being fair and kind to everyone Includes yourself. Take breaks whenever you need.


October 23 – November 22

Last week’s lunar eclipse provided valuable insights into your relationships. You can’t just sit back and wait for people or opportunities to come your way. Scorpio, this means that you have to let your guard down and meet others halfway. 

And really, anyone who’s been able to see past your guarded exterior knows you’re a big softie at heart. So, when the urge strikes to lean into your sentimental, caring side—do it! 

Putting yourself out there—whether in love, friendships, or career—can be scary. But if you’re willing to rise to the challenge, you’ll soon reap the rewards. You’ll be surprised how quickly your spirits are lifted once you poke your head out of your Scorpio shell.


November 22 – December 21

Everyone knows you’re an unstoppable force, Sag. What happens if your unstoppable force encounters a stationary object. You can either swerve or smash through to avoid a collision. 

You’re feeling emboldened this week, and that’s good. You can’t get anywhere in passive aggression. But, communication is the key to any relationship. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which to choose. 

It has been difficult for you to keep your mouth shut. However, you have been in trouble for your past overreactions. You will be able to see your communication style through the last quarter moon. Either you can listen and learn, or you will be condemned to repeat the same mistakes.


December 21 – January 20

Your relationships are slipping away somewhere in the middle all the planning, routine, hard work. There’s no doubt you have a superhuman work ethic. But do you translate that work ethic to intangible parts of your life—love, connection, empathy? 

Giving Love can completely transform a person. To do this, you must let go of your ego and past hurts. You’re not used to this type of work, but that doesn’t mean you’re not up for the challenge. 

Trust others. We can let go of guilt, hurt, and fear and open ourselves to greater love and success than what we ever imagined.


January 20 – February 18

Your sign is ruled by the combination of luck-driven Jupiter, and challenge-driven Saturn this week. The planets’ energies are encouraging you to go against the grain in the name of Something better. A better life, relationship, society, world—you know somethingIt needs to be fixed. 

However, great change can also bring great discomfort. You may still feel a little doubt, no matter how revolutionary you are. Don’t let it convince you that you are not capable of making great change. 

There is a solution to the problem that is easier than you may think. Keep your eyes open for creative solutions. You’ve blazed the path before; you can do it again. 


February 18 – March 20

This week, Neptune, your ruling planet, is flying under you sign. You can trust your intuition and heal yourself with Neptune’s intuitive healing power. You’ve been sweeping so many things under the rug lately, the lumps are becoming too much to handle. 

You’ve been putting off identifying problem areas in your life out of fear of the ending. It’s scary to think about the possibility of losing a friend, relationship, or work. What are the unknowns in those turbulent and confrontational waters? You can only find out by diving headfirst. 

Pisces is known for their ability to adapt to harsh environments. Spiritual healing will follow if you speak up for your well-being and yourself.