Your ELBOWS will reveal your overall health, from dry patches and aches to pains.

You can learn a lot about your body by listening to it.

If you notice your hair is falling out, it could be a sign of alopecia. A ‘fruity breath’ might indicate diabetes.


You can learn a lot about your health by looking at the elbows.

Your elbows are a place that you may have never thought of checking.

Your elbows are telling you seven different things. From flaky, dry skin to pain and swelling. They can also tell when to consult a doctor.

1. Eczema

The inside of the elbows as well as the backs and sides of the knees are common spots for eczema in adults.

The skin becomes itchy, crackled, and red on skin that is white, and dark brown, purple, or gray on skin that is black or brown.

Most common is atopic skin eczema. This can be mild or severe, and flare ups may occur as many as 2 to 3 times each month.

Seek medical advice to help manage your condition.

2. Psoriasis

The skin condition psoriasis can appear anywhere on the body but is most common in the scalp, elbows and knees.

This causes red, flaky skin patches. PinkRed or dark purple scales can be white or grey.

According to The NHS, the condition is estimated to affect two out of every hundred people in the UK. NHS.

You should see a GP if your psoriasis is severe. Your GP can offer treatment.

3. Bursitis

When the bursa, which are fluid-filled sacs that cushion joints and cushions your joints, become inflamed, it is called Bursitis.

When you receive a blow on your elbow that is hard, the bursa can swell and produce excessive fluid. This causes a liquid pocket to develop over the pointed part of your elbow and loose skin at the back.

As per OrthoInfoBursitis can affect people with certain professions such as plumbers.

As per the NHSIf you have a joint that is inflamed, it could be bursitis.

  • painful – usually a dull, achy pain
  • Skin that is tenderer or warmer surrounding skin
  • swollen
  • When you touch or press it, it becomes painful.

If your symptoms do not improve after one or two weeks, you should consult a GP.

4. Tendonitis

It occurs after an injury when the tendon is inflamed, leading to swelling.

Your elbow or another joint may be stiff and painful, but you will not be able to move the arm as well.

If the injury is mild, it can be treated at home using rest, ice and support, such as an elastic wrap.

In two to three months, you should start feeling better.

5. Joint Infection

What if you:

  • Suddenly, you may experience severe pains in your joints such as the elbow.
  • It is swelling up around the edges
  • A change in your skin’s colour around the joint
  • Feeling hot or shivery, and feeling generally ill.

They could be signs of septic joint infections, such as septic arthritis.

Book an emergency appointment at your doctor’s office if the symptoms are severe. NHS Guidance stresses.

6. Tennis elbow

Tennis elbow, also called lateral epichondylitis, is a painful condition that affects the outer part of the arm.

The name comes from the fact that it can happen repeatedly when you use the muscles in your forearm near the elbow joint during activities like tennis.


  • You can bend your elbow or lift it up by lifting the arm.
  • Grab small items like pens
  • twisting your forearm, such as turning a door handle or opening a jar

Rest for a week and avoid any activities that cause you pain. If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

7. Angina

Sometimes, elbow pain may be caused by heart conditions such as Angina. This is a chest pain that occurs when blood flow is reduced to the heart.

This is not usually life-threatening, but could indicate a heart attack or stroke. NHS Guidance.

Exercise or stress can cause tightness in the chest or dull pain that goes away after some time.

This pain can spread to your elbows, arms, back, neck or jaw.

You should see your doctor immediately if this type of pain occurs, even if it has not been diagnosed as angina.