You Should Stop Using Tea Tree Oil If This Happens To You

When tea tree oil is diluted correctly and not overused, it offers a variety of health benefits. It is a natural cleanser and great for removing buildup in the hair and on the scalp. “It helps eliminate the accumulation of dead skin layers and scale. It also has strong antimicrobial properties making it an effective agent for fungal infections of the scalp,” Gary Goldenberg of Goldenberg Dermatology in NYC told Byrdie


Tea tree oil can soothe mild inflammation on the skin that results from allergies. It can also help improve acne by soothing inflammation and balancing your skin’s natural oils. However, you should always perform a test patch on your face before using this ingredient because it can be too strong for sensitive skin. As a natural antibacterial product, tea tree oil can be used to clean your toothbrush and even as a natural mouthwash when added to water.

It is also beneficial as a way to treat minor cuts and wounds. “Tea tree oil is great for cuts and scrapes for two reasons,” board-certified dermatologist Kristina Goldenberg told Byrdie. “Firstly, it has antimicrobial properties that help prevent infections of open wounds. Secondly, tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can help the wound heal faster.” It is a great product to have in the house to be used for beauty, health, and medical purposes.