You have vivid, strange dreams because of boozing.

As more invitations are sent for parties and gatherings we will all be drinking more.

Even though you may feel like you’re going to sleep after a hard night, your dreams are likely to be filled with the bizarre and absurd.


Although you may not feel the urge to go back to sleep after a drink, your dreams are likely to be vivider than normal.Credit: Getty

Everybody dreams, and that’s perfectly normal. There are many theories about dreams. The most common is that they represent subconscious thoughts.

Many experts in sleep have been able to decode the meanings of certain dreams.

Many people report vivid and strange dreams after boozing, and Otty mattress experts say this is normal.

They explain that if you have had a night of heavy drinking, your quality of sleep is actually lower.

“The level of blood alcohol in your system will drop when you stop drinking alcohol. You’ll experience shallow sleep, frequent disturbances, and wake up frequently throughout the night. 

“So when you fall into REM sleep (the stage of sleep you dream in), you’re more likely to recall your dreams.”

The experts said that alcohol disrupts the sleep cycle and suppresses REM sleep, which can leave you feeling like you’re half awake and half asleep, which you probably are.

“Because of the subsequent waking throughout the night, there’s more chance you’ll wake up with a vivid, weird recall of the dream you were just having. 

“The effects of alcohol on your body and the state known as limbo can cause vivid, frightening dreams.

“Your body is trying to gather as much information as possible from its environment, which may not be so black and white after a night of drinking.”

According to them, this could also be psychological, depending upon what type of drinker you’re.

“If you’re typically an emotional drinker, these thoughts and emotions can manifest themselves into the content of your dreams, leaving you with intensely haunting or evocative dreams”They also added.


Everyone knows the feeling of having a hangover or feeling groggy after a poor night’s sleep.

However, experts say that one night of insomnia can cause a wide variety of adverse symptoms.

According to them, the most noticeable symptom is drowsiness. This makes it difficult to remain alert and perform simple tasks without falling asleep.

“Your brain will be functioning at a slower rate, meaning you will really struggle to concentrate”They also added.

You may also find that you are more angry about small things if you don’t get enough sleep.

Are you having trouble sleeping? These ingredients could be missing from your diet

One expert suggests that if you are having trouble sleeping, it may be due to your diet.

PureSport Nutritionist Gail Madalena suggested that certain natural ingredients may be beneficial to you.

She said that the combination of the ingredients below can help the mind switch off and allow the body to fall into deeper, more restful, sleep.

MagnesiumGail explained that mineral magnesium is necessary for hundreds of cellular processes in the body. Additionally, it can help the body relax. She said that magnesium can be found in foods like dark leafy vegetables and whole grains, as well as pumpkin seeds, almonds, and whole grains.

ChamomileResearch suggests that the flavonoid Apigenin, which is found in the chamomile plant extract, may help to calm the mind. Gail says so. It can be beneficial to have a cup of chamomile tea before going to bed. ResearchA mug of chamomile 45 mins before you go to bed can help you fall asleep. 

L-theanineThis amino acid isn’t essential, but it can help to alter the levels of certain chemicals within our brains. Gail explains: “The chemicals serotonin and dopamine have an effect on our sleep, and these are the chemicals which L-theanine can impact.”

Cannabidiol: Growing in Popularity ResearchCBD is believed to improve sleep. It’s a popular treatment for insomnia too and is said to have the ability to relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression, both of which can hugely impact our ability to sleep.

However, they stated that puffiness around the eyes is the most obvious and common physical symptom due to water imbalance.

“You’ll also likely develop dark circles (‘bags’) under the eyes. This is because the blood vessels dilate.

Due to feeling too tired to feel aroused, your sex drive may plummet within 24 hours.

“Because your body is struggling to cope with exhaustion, you will likely have an increased muscle tension, which can cause tremors”They also added.

There are options if you don’t want to drink, but still want to enjoy a drink.

“Try and limit yourself to just a few drinks, avoid that extra Sambuca shot and make sure to get a good night’s sleep”The experts agreed. 

This is how a traveller sleeps on flights. It’s a strange method, but it’s loved by many.

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